Saturday 15 April 2017

Half Yearly Examination 2016, English, Class 7

Half Yearly Examination 2016,                   English,               Class 7,                 MM: 50, Time: 2 hrs
1. Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow:                                               5
Yoga plays a vital role in maintaining a good health. It keeps us physically and mentally healthy. It provides us positive attitude. Yoga keeps us energetic and agile throughout the day.
Today, our lifestyle has changed a great deal. We remain busy whole day long. Stress and tension have become part and parcel of our life. Stress and tension are also the products of modern lifestyle.
Yoga relieves us from stress and tension. It generates energy, creativity and self-discipline. It also helps curing fatal diseases like cancer, hepatitis and AIDS.
                a. What does Yoga provide us?
                b. What do we do whole day long?
                c. What are the products of modern life style?
                d. From what does Yoga relieve us?
                e. What does Yoga generate?

2. Give meaning of these words: (any five)                                                                                                          5
    martyr,  financial,  tragedy   suffocation,   commute,   stunned,   sympathy
3. Answer the following questions in short: (Any five)                                                                                    5
                a. Who was the supervisor of the team of woodcutters?
                b. What does Vidya want?
                c. Where are we supposed to dispose our kitchen waste?
                d. Who is Kartik?
                e. What was Abhay fond of?
                f. What is a motel?

4. Answer the following questions in detail: (Any two)                                                                                   10
                a. How did Amrita Devi protest?
                b. What information was given by Mr Jagdish Sharma about RTE?
                c. What safety measures has the government taken to manage waste reduction?
5. Do as directed:                                                                                                                                                             10
                a. There is not ________ rice left. ( many / few / much /every)
                b. Three Men in a Boat _______ a humorous book by Jerome K Jerome.  (is / are / has /have)
                c. Either the police or the citizens has to be on guard. (Rewrite correctly checking Subj-Verb)
                d. We _____ (decided) to leave earlier, but changed our mind later. (Write in correct tense)
                e. They ______ quiet all along. (past continuous of keep)
                f. Children can differentiate ____________________________. (Prepositional phrase)
                g. Broad-minded = __________________ (meaning)
                h. The principal would like to meet _________. (she and you/you and her/you and she)
                i. They have sold off all their old furnitures. (Rewrite correctly checking noun)
                j. He will come back in hour. (Rewrite correctly inserting an article)

6. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using Infinitives or Participles:                                    5
                a. Help those in need. It is a kind gesture. (Infinitive)
                b. I want to win the scholarship. I am working very hard for that. (Infinitive)
                c. The watchman got up from his seat, the watchman opened the gate. (Participle)
                d. He was unhappy at his workplace. He resigned his job. (Participle)
                e. She walked up to the chief guest. She whispered something to him. (Participle)
7. Write the poem My Best Friend.                                                                                                                          5
    Write a short speech on Today’s Education.
8. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: (Word limit 200 words)                                        5
                a. Christmas
                b. My Favourite Scientist
                c. If I were a Doctor
                d. An Autobiography of a Horse

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