Roll no. _______ Class 1 English HY Examination 2023 MM 30 Time: 1 h
A Fill in the blanks: 10
1. The fox goes for a _________________. (walk / swim / play / talk)
2. The fox is ______________. (hungry / thirsty / sleepy / angry)
3. He says the grapes are ________________. (sweet / salty / sour / rotten)
4. Blacky got _____________ (tired / bored / happy / his share) and flew away.
5. Lily’s shell was ____________ (big / small / broken / pretty).
6. A __________ (dog / fox / crow / snail) wanted to eat Lily.
7. Nalini’s dog is called _____________. ( Tangy / Bingy / Noddy / Fluffy)
8. All of Tina’s friends have ______________. (toys / pets / books / chocolates)
9. Neeta goes to ______________. (St Paul’s / Modern / Model / St Mary’s ) School.
10. Neeta ___________ (walks / runs / drives / rides) back home with her friends.
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 5
1. The snail lived in a garden. [ ]
2. The shell is Lily’s home. [ ]
3. The snail hid inside its shell. [ ]
4. Tina wants a pet. [ ]
5. First, a crow eats the bread crumbs. [ ]
6. The parakeet is grey in colour. [ ]
7. There is a parrot on Mrs Priya’s table. [ ]
8. A fish was swimming in the fish bowl. [ ]
9. Neeta keeps her lunch box on the table. [ ]
10. Neeta packs her bag. [ ]
C Match the following: 5
Column A |
Column B |
(1) Fox |
(a) crow |
(2) Bonny |
(b) Mrs Priya |
(3) Snail |
(c) cat |
(4) Neeta |
(d) river |
(5) Boats |
(e) grapes |
D Answer the following questions: 10
1. Who are Tina’s best friends?
2. What is the name of Nalini’s pet?
3. What does Tina love to have?
4. How does Neeta go to school?
5. What does Neeta keep on her desk?
Name: _____________________ Roll no. _______ Class 1 EVS HY Examination 2023
A Tick R the correct answer. 10
1. Parents with three or more children make a (large / joint / small / funny) family.
2. Parents teach their children (bad / good / wrong / three) habits.
3. Children should (disrespect / respect / dislike / question) their parents and grandparents.
4. We rest and sleep in the (kitchen / bedroom / hall / bathroom).
5. A house protects us from (rain / family / school / road).
6. There are (five /six / four / ten) toes on each foot.
7. (Skin / Teeth / Head / Eyes) help us to bite and chew food.
8. Wheat is a (fruit / vegetable / cereal / tree).
9. Never (chew / talk / see / hear) when you have food in the mouth.
10. Big and tall plants are called (trees / shrubs / herbs / climbers).
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 10
1. A joint family has only four members. [ ]
2. Father’s or mother’s sister is called aunt. [ ]
3. We take bath in the kitchen. [ ]
4. Our legs help us to stand, walk and run. [ ]
5. Cashew nut is an example of a cereal. [ ]
6. We get milk from animals. [ ]
7. We can use safety pins to clean our ears. [ ]
8. We must water plants regularly. [ ]
9. Insects are very big animals. [ ]
10. Gold fish is called man’s best friend. [ ]
C Answer the following questions. 30
1. Name any one thing from which our house protects us.
2. In which room do we cook food?
3. Which part of our body helps us to hear?
4. Which part of our body helps us to taste food?
5. What are the two sources of food?
6. Name any two cereals.
7. List any two golden words.
8. What should we do when we meet elders?
9. When do we eat lunch?
10. Which part of our body helps us to stand and run?
Name: ____________________ Roll no. _______Class 1 Hindi HY Examination 2023 MM 15
1- p
2- V
3- u
4- Ik
5- g
¼2½ fuEu fyf[kr v{kjks dks tksM+dj fyf[k, & 1 ½
1- l $ f $ j $ r $ k ¾
2- r $ q $ y $ l $ h ¾
3- e $ w $ j $ r ¾
¼3½ fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa ds v{kjksa dks vyx&vyx djds fyf[k, & 1 ½ 1- dljr ¾
2- pkoy ¾
3- cdjh ¾
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dk fpUg yxkg,A 3
1- |
Vksdjh |
4- |
xeyk |
dsryh |
xxu |
2- |
daxu |
5- |
ewjr |
irax |
lwjt |
3- |
<ksyd |
6- |
eksj |
Me: |
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3- d`
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6- fuEu 'kCnksa ij vks ¼ks½ rFkk vkS ¼kS½ dh ek=k yxkdj 'kCnksa dks iwjk fdft, & 1 ½
1- u-------dj 2- d-------;y 3- Q ---------th |
8- v¡ rFkk v% dh ek=k yxkdj 'kCn fyf[k, & 1 ½
1- iqu & 2- iwN & 3- xko & |
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1- lwjt vk;k fpfM+;k pgdhA
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Name: _________________ Roll no. _______ Class 1 Mathematics HY Examination 2023
1. Tick R the longer arrow. 1
![]() |
![]() |
2. Count and write the numbers in the box given. 2
(a) (b)
: : : : ÿÿÿÿÿÿ
![]() |
![]() |
3. Write the number names for the following. 2
(a) 18 = ___________________________
(b) 26 = ________________________
4. Write the number for the following. 2
(c) twenty-three = _____
(d) forty-eight = _____
Write the correct symbol <, > or =. 3
(a) 51 51 (b) 35 20 (c) 46 62
6. Write the following in ascending order. 1
(a) 12; 32; 25; 43; 54 ___________________________
7. Write the following in descending order. 1
(b) 43; 26; 33; 18; 56 ____________________________
8. Addition 8
(a) 1 4 (a) 2 5 (a) 1 2 (b) 2 1
+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
9. Subtraction 8
(a) 1 4 (a) 2 5 (a) 1 7 (b) 2 8
2 3 4
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
10. Word Problems: 2
(a) In a cricket match, Team A scored 56 runs and Team B scored 33 runs. Find out the total runs scored by both the teams.
(b) Shalini has 19 pencils. She gives 7 pencils to her friend Arun. How many pencils does Shalini have now?
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