Roll no. _________ Class 2 English HY Examination 2023 Time: 2 hr MM50
A Fill in the blanks: 10
1. The old man gave Jack a magic ___________(bean / seed / hat / toy).
2. The hen laid ___________ (golden / silver / plain / diamond) eggs.
3. Little Robin jumped on a ___________ (wall / tree / bush / chair) to fly away from Pussy cat.
4. Pussy cat said___________ (chirp / meow / catch me if you can / caw! caw!) when Robin jumped away.
5. The spider was spinning her ___________ (house / nest / web / wheel).
6. The grey wolf had _______ (mutton / hump / straw / bread) in his mouth.
7. The donkey smelt ___________ (food / fire/ flower / water) around him.
8. Mr Frog wanted to become like ________ (Mr Ox / Mr Elephant / Mr Rabbit / Mr Cow).
9. Little Red walked on the _______ (road / footpath / street / bridge).
10. Little Red promised to follow the road _______ (rules / signs / light / traffic).
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 10
1. The giant gave Jack the harp and the hen. [ ]
2. Jack cut down the beanstalk with an axe. [ ]
3. King Bruce ran to his palace to hide. [ ]
4. King Bruce won the war the seventh time. [ ]
5. The donkey disliked Abu. [ ]
6. The donkey knocked at the door. [ ]
7. Mr Frog could not catch a fly with his tongue. [ ]
8. Mr Frog was nimble and unique. [ ]
9. A crow sang, ‘Coo...coo’. [ ]
10. Little Red followed the road rules. [ ]
C Match the following: 5
Column A |
Column B |
(1) Bruce |
(a) web |
(2) large army |
(b) forest |
(3) spider |
(c) King of England |
(4) cave |
(d) thin and short |
(5) thread |
(e) King of Scotland |
D Answer the following questions: 2 ½ x 10 = 25
1. Why did Jack’s mother ask him to sell the cow?
2. What happens to Pussy cat when he jumps on the wall?
3. Who fought the battle against King Bruce?
4. What lesson can be learnt from the spider in the story?
5. According to the poet, which animal has an unpleasant smell?
6. Where did Abu and the donkey sleep at night?
7. How did the neighbours help Abu?
8. Who said sorry to Mr Frog?
9. What did Little Red’s mother bake?
10. What should Teddy Bear squeeze?
Roll no. _______ Class 2 EVS HY Examination 2023 MM 50 Time: 2 h
A Tick R the correct answer. 10
1. Fish breathe through (a nose / gills / eyes / fins).
2. A (cow / dog / goat / bird) is a living thing that gives birth by laying eggs.
3. Tea is made from the (seeds / leaves / roots / flowers) of the tea plant.
4. The (roots / stems/ flowers / fruits) carry water to the leaves.
5. Rabbits live in a (burrow / den / stable / kennel).
6. Buses and trains are (public / private / school / company) property.
7. (Talcum powder / Salt / Antiseptic cream / Unwashed cloth) must be applied on the injured area.
8. An igloo is made up of (ice / canvas / brick / stone).
9. We wear (cotton / woollen / very few / thin) clothes in winter.
10. When the days are warm, it is called (winter / spring / autumn / summer).
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 10
1. Non-living things need food and water. [ ]
2. A pencil is non-living thing. [ ]
3. Tulsi is a medicinal plant. [ ]
4. Roots fix the plant to the soil. [ ]
5. Birds built kennels. [ ]
6. A lion lives in a forest. [ ]
7. We can throw litter wherever we like. [ ]
8. We must not spill our food in the classroom while eating. [ ]
9. We must not leave toys on the floor. [ ]
10. Huts are very strong houses. [ ]
C Answer the following questions. 30
1. Name any two living things.
2. Name any two parts of the plant.
3. Name any two flowers from which we get perfumes.
4. Where do we get silk from?
5. Name any two animals that live in a burrow.
6. Where should we throw garbage?
7. Write any two things we can find in a first-aid box.
8. Name any two materials used for building a house.
9. Where are tents used?
10. Name two things that we use when we go out in the rain.
Roll no. _______ Class 2 Hindi HY Examination 2023 MM 15 Time: 1 h
1. सही विकल्प पर (√) का चिहन लगाइए- 2
1. बैंगन सब्जियों का राजा है, इसलिए इसके सिर पर......... हैं।
(अ) मुकुट (ब) कलंगी (स) टोपी
2. सारस पक्षी का जोडा कहाँ रहता था?
(अ) गन्ने के खेत में (ब) सरसों के खेतमें (स) गेहूं के खेत में
3. हमें सदैव कैसा बोलना चाहिए?
(अ) बुरा (ब) मीठा (स) दोनों
4. ..........बाजार चली गई।
(अ) बिल्ली (ब) मैना (स) मुर्गी
2. रिक्त स्थान भरो। 2
(सर्वश्रेष्ठ, गाँव, फसल, सब्जी)
1. मैं तो सोचता हूँ यह..................तो सिर्फ गधों के लिए हैं।
2. यह दुनिया की………..... सब्जी हैं।
3. किसान के................ के लोग फसल काटने नहीं आएंगे।
4. दो-तीन दिन तक कोई…………….. काटने नहीं आया।
3. सही वाक्य पर (√) तथा गलत वाक्य पर (x) का चिन्ह लगाइए- 2
1. मेज पर बहुत-से स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन रखे हुए थे।
2. अकबर को दूसरी बार बैंगन की सब्जी अच्छी नहीं लगी थी।
3. हमें अपना काम स्वयं करना चाहिए।
4. सारस का जोड़ा नदी किनारे रहता था ।
4. निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिएँ । 5x1=5
1. सयाना किसे कहते हैं?
2. कोयल का रंग कैसा होता है?
3. गेहूं के खेत में कौन रहता था ?
4. दोनो सारस शाम को क्या लेकर बच्चों के पास वापस लौटे ?
5. अकबर का प्रिय मंत्री कौन था?
5. निम्न शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए। 1
1 तेज-
2. अंधेरा-
6. निम्न शब्दो को बहुवचन में बदलकर लिखिए। 1
1. बच्चा-
2. लड़का -
7. निम्न शब्दों के लिंग बदलकर लिखिए। 1
1 बेटा-
2. चाचा-
8. पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए। 1
1. माँ-
2. सहेली-
Roll no. _______ Class 2 Mathematics HY Examination 2023 MM 30 Time: 1 h
1. Write the number names for the following numbers. 2
(a) 146 (b) 225
2. Write the numbers for the following number names. 2
(a) two hundred and eighteen
(b) four hundred and eleven
3. Write the following numbers in expanded form. 2
(a) 347 (b) 289
4. Write the following in short form. 2
(a) 200 + 30 + 6
(b) 700 + 50+3
5. Arrange the numbers in ascending order. 2
(a) 253; 571; 309; 415; 651
(b) 453; 271; 509; 655; 652
6. Arrange the numbers in ascending order. 2
(a) 303; 520; 199; 615; 251
(b) 250; 291; 305; 751; 662
7. Addition 4
(a) 1 7 (a) 2 4 (a) 1 6 (b) 2 9
+ 2 2 + 1 3 + 1 4 + 1 2
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
8. Subtraction 4
(a) 1 6 (a) 3 5 (a) 2 0 (b) 2 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
9. Addition 2
(a) ₹ 90.25 (b) ₹ 50.55
+ ₹10.25 + ₹ 40.55
10. Subtraction 2
(a) ₹ 70.50 (b) ₹ 66.55
₹20.25 ₹ 40.15
11. Word problems. 2
(a) Karim has 27 toffees and Ravi has 17 toffees. How many toffees are there altogether? |
Number of toffees with Karim = Number of toffees with Ravi = +
(b) Renu collected 32 stamps and Ritu collected 48 stamps. How many stamps are there altogether? |
Number of stamps with Renu = Number of stamps with Ritu = +
12. Draw hands on the clock face to show the time. 4
(b) (c) (d)
5:30 quarter to 6 4:15 half past 11
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