Roll no. _______ Class 3 English HY Examination 2023 MM50 Time: 2h
A Fill in the blanks: 4
1. The king gave the lady a ________ (day / month / year / week) to weave his clothes.
2. Hans plugged the hole with his _______ (middle / index / little / ring) finger.
3. A _____ (poor / happy / rich / sad) man who was passing by saw the shoes and bought them immediately.
4. The crab was afraid that _______ (they would die / they would be happy / they would live / they would fight) if the pond was filled.
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 4
1. When Sinbad woke up, the ship was gone. [ ]
2. The weavers worked hard to weave the dress. [ ]
3. He saw a snake near the dyke. [ ]
4. The shoemaker learnt the art of making fine shoes. [ ]
C Match the following: 5
Column A |
Column B |
(1) Sinbad |
(a) special clothes |
(2) beautiful lady |
(b) for the last pair of shoes |
(3) Hans plugged the hole |
(c) with his index finger |
(4) The shoemaker cut leather |
(d) said the Crane |
(5) ‘Maybe I can help you’ |
(e) was a sailor from Bagdad |
D Answer the following questions: 6x4= 24
1. Where did Sinbad set sail from?
2. What do tadpoles turn into when they grow?
3. What is the funniest thing about the shadow?
4. What are dykes?
5. Who came at night to make the shoes?
6. Why couldn’t the crane catch fish anymore?
E Answer the following questions. 3
1. What is a pronoun?
2. Define adjective.
F Write a short paragraph on any one of the following topics. 10
1. The Brave Dutch Boy
2. Diwali
3. Our National Flag
Roll no. _______ Class 3 EVS HY Examination 2023 MM 50 Time: 2 h
PART A (Science)
A Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 7
1. Plants prepare food by a process called _________ (breathing / photosynthesis / cooking / cleaning)
2. _________ walk in an upright position. (Lions / Human beings / Insects / Birds)
3. _________ is a xerophyte. (Jasmine / Hibiscus / Cactus / Lily)
4. The food factory of a plant is the _________. (fruit / leaf / flower / root)
5. A _______ has a long, sticky tongue to catch insects. (frog / cow / dog / parrot)
6. _________ is a flying mammal. (Kite / Owl / Bat / Penguin)
7. A cuckoo lays eggs in a _____’s nest. (parrot / tailorbird / duck / crow)
B Put a R if the sentence is correct or a Q if it is wrong. 4
1. Non-living things grow. [ ]
2. Human beings are cold-blooded animals. [ ]
3. In carrots, the extra food is stored in the stem. [ ]
4. Earthworms swallow soil. [ ]
C Answer the following questions. 21
1. Why do animals move from one place to another?
2. What are cold-blooded animals?
3. What are shrubs?
4. Give two examples each for flowering and non-flowering plants.
5. Give any one function of the stem.
6. What are carnivores? Give examples.
7. Where do wild animals live?
PART B (Social Studies)
D Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 4
1. The first tools of early human beings were made of ________. (iron / bronze / copper/ stone)
2. It is believed that fire was discovered __________. (by research / by lightening / by sound / by accident)
3. ______ were used to plough the fields. (Pigs / Goats / Oxen / Sheep)
4. Human beings settled ________. (near mountains / along rivers / away from rivers / in the desert)
E Match the following. 5
Column A |
Column B |
(6) New Stone Age |
(f) used to plough the field |
(7) rice |
(g) farming tool |
(8) manure |
(h) grain |
(9) oxen |
(i) discovery of farming |
(10)sickle |
(j) used to produce better crops |
F Answer the following questions. 9
1. What was the food eaten by early human beings?
2. Where did early human beings find shelter?
3. How did domestication of animals help human beings?
Roll no. ___________ Class 3 Hindi HY Examination 2023 MM 50 Time: 2 h
1. सही विकल्प पर (√) का चिह्न लगाइए- 5
(1) हिमालय किसको ऊँचा उठने की बात कह रहा है?
(अ) पेड़ो को (ब) मनुष्य को (स) दूसरे पहाड़ो को
(2) संकट के समय हमें कैसे खड़े रहना चाहिए -
(अ) सीधा (ब) अविचल (स) दोनो
(3) रामदास किससे दु:खी था ?
(अ) पली से (ब) भाइयों से (स) लड़को से
(4)......... लहूलुहान था।
(अ) हंस (ब) चिडिया (स) तोता
(5) आओ मिलकर.......... लगाएँ
(अ) झाड़ी (ब) फूल (स) पेड़
2. सही शब्द से रिक्त स्थान भरिए - 5
(स्वच्छ, मरहम, राजमहल, अमर, हिमालय, प्राणवायु)
(1) भगत सिंह का नाम इतिहास में सदा ...................... रहेगा।
(2) आओ मिलकर पेड़ लगाए वातावरण को ....................... बनाए।
(3) राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ......................... के बाहर बगिया में टहल रहे थे।
(4) सिद्धार्थ ने एक सेवक से पानी व …..........….......... मंगवाया।
(5) पेड हमें..........................देते हैं।
3. सही कथन पर (√) तथा गलत कथन पर (x) का चिहन लगाइए- 3
1. मोटाराम समझदार लड़का था।
2. एकता में ताकत होती है।
3. सिद्धार्थ सड़क पर टहल रहे थे।
4. सही मिलान कीजिए- 5
(क) हरा (i) दीर्घायु
(ख) स्वच्छ (ⅱ) घटने
(ग) कटने (iii) बनाएँ
(घ) प्राणवायु (ⅳ) स्वस्थ
(ड़) लगाएँ (V) भरो
5. निम्न प्रश्नो के उत्तर लिखिए। (अतिलघुत्तरात्मक) 5
1. प्राणवायु कौन देता हैं?
2. "पेड़ लगाएँ" कविता के रचयिता कौन हैं?
3. भगतसिंह के पिताजी का क्या नाम हैं?
4. आजादी से पहले भारत में किसका राज था?
5. हंस को तीर किसने मारा था?
6. लघुत्तरात्मक प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए । (Any five) 10
1. मोटाराम बाद में कैसा लड़का बन गया ।
2. महात्मा बुद्ध ने पूरी दुनिया को क्या पाठ पठाया ?
3. प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का क्या फर्ज है?
4. भगत सिंह ने एसेंबली में बम क्यों फेंका था ?
5. खड़ा हिमालय क्या बता रहा?
6. रामदास के बेटे आपस में कैसा व्यवहार करते थे?
7. विलोम शब्द लिखिए - 3
(1) देश-
(2) हँसना -
(3) उदास-
8. पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए- 6
(1) धरती- ……………. …………….
(2) पानी- ……………. …………….
(3) वृक्ष- ……………. …………….
9. लिंग बदलकर लिखिए- 2
(1) भाई -
(2) आदमी -
10. निम्न लिखित वाक्य में से लिखिए - संज्ञा शब्दों को छांटकर लिखिए- 4
1. सूर्य का प्रकाश तेज होता हैं। ……………. …………….
2. मछलियाँ पानी में तैर रही हैं। ……………. …………….
11. सर्वनाम किसे कहते हैं? सर्वनाम के कितने प्रकार है? नाम लिखिए । 2
Roll no. ___________ Class 3 Mathematics HY Examination 2023 MM 50
1. Write the number names for the following.
(a) 7829 __________________ (b) 5702 __________________
2. Write the numbers for the following number names.
(a) nine thousand two hundred and nineteen ________
(b) five thousand and fifty ___________
3. Write the place value of the following.
(a) 4in 3456 _______ (b) 5 in 5230 ________
4. Write the face value of the following.
(a) 6 in 2638 ______ (b) 2 in 3628 _______
5. Insert the correct the
symbol < or > in the box.
(a) 3015 2954 (b) 2945 2954
6. Write the following in the expanded form.
(a) 3748 ________________________________
(b) 5182 ________________________________
7. Write the following numbers in descending order.
(a) 2683; 7350; 1573; 9354 (b) 5273; 5723; 5327; 5200
8. Write the following numbers in ascending order.
(b) 2653; 1352; 3971; 8304 (b) 7173; 7713; 5327; 7317
9. Write the successor of the following number.
(a) 2469 (b) 8299
10. Write the predecessor of the following number.
(a) 5299 (b) 6800
11. (a) Write all the even numbers from 250 to 260.
(b) Write all the odd numbers from 470 to 480.
12. Add the following.
(a) 2431; 3012; 1011 (b) 1301; 2142; 3361
13. In a garden there are 2012 mango trees, 211 coconut trees, and 23 banana trees. Find the total number of trees in the garden. (2)
14. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers.
(a) 2723 + __________ = 3778 + 1248
(b) 4126 + 1624 = __________ + 2369
15. Subtract the following.
(a) 2561 from 3161
(b) 6001 from 7151
16. Write the following in words.
(a) ₹ 478.25 (b) ₹ 2167.50
17. Convert the following to paise.
(a) ₹ 10.50 (b) ₹ 25.50
18. Add the following.
(a) ₹ 1262.25 (b) ₹ 1205.75
₹ 250.25 ₹ 181.25
+ ₹ 15.50 + ₹
19. Subtract the following.
(b) ₹ 1565.75 (b) ₹ 2289.50
₹ 145.25 ₹
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Look at the
hands on the clock face and write down the correct time.
. (b)
__________________ _________________
21. Name the following shapes.
_______________ ______________
22. (a) How many vertices are there in a square?
(b) How many vertices are there in a triangle?
23. (a) How many sides are there in a quadrilateral?
(c) How many sides are there in a rectangle?
24. Draw a square and mark the vertices.
25. A pen and a notebook together cost ₹ 35.50. If the cost of the pen is ₹ 5. What is the cost of the notebook?
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