Roll no. _______ Class 2 English Final Examination 2024 MM 30 Time 1 hr
A Answer the following questions. 15
1. Why did Yumi come down to earth?
2. How did the poet lose the pretty doll?
3. What did Megha want to play?
4. What did the old man want to teach his sons?
5. How did the donkey escape?
B Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 5
1. The ______ (rabbit/fox/monkey/Yumi) got ready to jump into the fire.
2. They went for a ride on the ________ (camel/giant wheel/horse/merry-go-round).
3. The boys _______ (quarrelled/played/shared/talked) with each other all the time.
4. The _____ (mother/father/neighbour/son) rode the donkey first.
5. The vegetable that first spoke to was the _______ (cauliflower/peas/potato/carrot).
C Put a Tick if the sentence is correct or a Cross if it is wrong. 5
1. The fox caught a big fish. [ ]
2. The cotton candy was blue in colour. [ ]
3. The sons broke the bundle into two. [ ]
4. Ramu and his sons loved their donkey. [ ]
5. Ladies’ finger will help you become strong. [ ]
D Match the following: 5
Column A |
Column B |
1. potato |
a. clever |
2. peas |
b. chips |
3. ladies’ finger |
c. energy |
4. spinach |
d. eyes |
5. carrot |
e. strong |
Roll no. ______ Class 2 EVS Final Examination 2024 MM 50 Time 1 hr
A Answer the following questions. 30
1. Name any two parts of the face.
2. Name any three main parts of the body.
3. Name any two sense organs.
4. Which sense organ helps us to tell whether a dish is sweet or spicy?
5. Give any two examples of protective food.
6. What settles on food when it is kept open?
7. Name any two carnivores.
8. In which season do we wear cotton clothes?
9. What is our national flower?
10. Name any two types of pollution.
B Put a Tick if the sentence is correct or a Cross if it is wrong. 5
1. The limbs help in breathing. [ ]
2. We must not read in a moving vehicle. [ ]
3. Fruits and vegetables are not good for health. [ ]
4. Germs cannot grow in a very cold place. [ ]
5. A frog is herbivore. [ ]
C Fill in the blanks. 5
1. Our arms and legs are called ______ (lungs/limbs/muscles/bones).
2. We must wash our eyes with ______ (hot/cold/salty/warm) water every day.
3. We must ______ (swallow/chew/throw/drop) our food well and eat slowly.
4. We can preserve food by boiling and (refrigeration/washing/eating/frying).
5. ________ (Vultures/Herbivores/Cows/Horses) eat the flesh of dead animals.
D Match the columns. 5
Column A |
Column B |
a. Tiger |
1. national flower |
b. peacock |
2. national animal |
c. lotus |
3. national bird |
d. Gandhiji |
4. Independence Day |
e. 15 August |
5. 2 October |
E Name the five sense organs. 5
Roll no. ______कक्षा - 2 विषय - हिंदी वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024 MM 15 Time 45 min
1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। 5
1. जगदीश कहां रहता था?
2.बादल फूल कैसे खिलाते हैं?
3. बसंत पंचमी किसका त्यौहार है ?
4. आलसी कौन था?
5. किसका झुंड जंगल से गुजर रहा था?
2. रिक्त स्थान भरिए। 2
( बादल , प्रतिक्षा , 14 , प्रसन्न )
1. बंदर सूरज उगने की _____________________ करने लगे।
2. आकाश में___________________________ घिर आए हैं।
3. पानी पीकर साधु बहुत_______________________ हुआ।
4. चाचा नेहरू का जन्म _________________नवंबर को हुआ।
3 सही वाक्य पर (√) तथा गलत वाक्य पर (x) का चिन्ह लगाईए। 2
1. कौवा बहुत मेहनती था। ( )
2. नेहरू जी के शासनकाल में जनता दुखी थी। ( )
3. बसंत पंचमी का त्योहार प्रकृति से संबंध नहीं रखता। ( )
4. जगदीश ने मुर्गी का पेट काट दिया। ( )
4. निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए। 2
1. सुखी _____________ 2. शिक्षा __________________
3. मोटी ______________ 4. गरम ___________________
5. अंको को शब्दों में लिखो। 2
1. ११___________________ 2. १५ __________________
3. २० __________________ 4. ६ ___________________
6. दिए गए शब्दों के पर्यायवाची लिखिए। 2
1. सुर्य _______________ 2. जल ____________________
3. दिन _______________ 4. फूल ____________________
Roll no. ______ Class 2 Mathematics Final Examination 2024 MM 30 Time 1 hr
1. Multiply the following. 4
(a) 1 2 x 3 |
(b) 2 5 x 3 |
(c) 4 6 x 5 |
(d) 6 2 x 8 |
2. Complete the following multiplication table. Do not read aloud as you write. 5
x |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
3. Divide by repeated subtraction and write the quotient. 2
(a) 6÷2
(b) 18÷6
4. Divide using multiplication facts. 2
(a) 36÷6
(b) 42÷6
5. What part is shaded in the following figures? Write as fraction. 2
(a) (b)
6. Match the following: 4
Column A |
Column B |
a. curved line |
1. |
b. line |
2. . |
c. line segment |
3. |
d. point |
4. |
7. Choose the correct answer. 4
(a) ___________ is a unit for measuring length.
(1) m (2) kg (3) l (4) g
(b) Long distance is measured in _______ .
(1) kg (2) m (3) l (4) cm
(c) We can measure the capacity of a liquid using a _________.
(1) measuring can (2) ruler (3) metre rod (4) common balance
(d) Length of a pencil is measured in _______.
(1) m (2) kg (3) l (4) cm
8. Draw a line segment of length 5 cm. 2
9. Add the following. 3
(a) 7 5 + 2 4 |
(b) 3 7 + 3 4 |
(c) 7 9 + 5 4 |
10. Subtract the following. 2
(a) 7 8 — 2 3 |
(b) 7 3 — 2 4 |
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