Roll no. ________ Class 6 English Final Examination 2024 MM 70 Time: 2 h
1. The boys _____ their lesson. (learn) (Present continuous tense)
2. They _______ far off when it began to rain. (go) (Past perfect tense)
3. The girls ____ Economics since Monday. (study) (Future perfect continuous tense)
4. I _______ the work by tomorrow. (finish) (Future perfect tense)
5. The hare _____ very fast. (run) (Simple past tense)
6. The cow gives milk. (Change into passive voice.)
7. We have finished our work. (Change into passive voice.)
8. She is telling a story. (Change into passive voice.)
9. They will not catch him. (Change into passive voice.)
10. This is the girl who stood first. (Pick out the subordinate clause.)
11. Although he is poor, he is honest. (Pick out the subordinate clause.)
12. The boys were waiting for the bell. (Pick out the phrase.)
13. The mother felt that her son ______ pass easily. (are/can/could)
14. I was doing my work when he _____ to me. (come/came/coming)
15. may I come in sir (Punctuate the sentence correctly.)
16. america was discovered by columbus (Punctuate the sentence correctly.)
17. What a nice man you are (Punctuate the sentence correctly.)
18. attack - ________ (antonym)
19. accept - ________ (antonym)
20. relevant - _________ (antonym)
21. begin - __________ (synonym)
22. sure - __________ (synonym)
23. dear - __________ (synonym)
24. What is noun? 2
25. Give four examples of adverb. 2
26. Define conjunction. 2
27. Give four examples of interjection. 2
28. Answer the following questions: 6x3 =18
a) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with?
b) Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
c) Who did the dog first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?
d) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
e) Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
f) What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play?
29. Write an application to your Headteacher requesting him/her to issue you a transfer certificate. 7
30. Write a short paragraph on any one of the following topics: 7
a. The Book I Like Most
b. An Ideal Teacher
c. Uniform
d. Sardar Patel
31. Write a short story titled The Elephant and the Tailor 7
Two Friends and the Bear
Roll no. ___________ Class 6 Hindi Final Examination 2024 Time: 2 h MM70
1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
(क) प्रकृति का जादू किसे कहा गया है?
(ख) जिन लोगों के पास आंखें है, वें सचमुच बहुत कम
देखते हैं -- हेलेन केलर को ऐसा क्यों लगता था?
(ग) दुनिया का पुराना हाल किन चीज़ों से जाना जाता है? कुछ चीज़ों के नाम
(घ) कविता में सबसे छोटे होने की कल्पना क्यों की गई है?
(च) हमारे यहां स्त्रियों के खास गीत कौन-कौन से हैं?
(छ) लंदन में भोज पर बुलाए जाने पर गांधी जी ने क्या किया?
(ज) राम ने थकी हुई सीता की क्या सहायता की?
(झ) कविता की दूसरी पंक्ति में भारत को बूढ़ा कहकर और उसमें
नयी जवानी आने की बात कहकर सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान क्या बताना चाहती है?
(ञ) लेखक ने प्रकृति के अक्षर किन्हे कहा है?
(ट) आश्रम में कॉलेज के छात्रों से गांधी जी ने कौन सा काम
करवाया और क्यों?
2. सही विकल्प छांटिए।
(क) अव्यय शब्द के भेद होते हैं-
(अ) चार (ब) आठ (स) पांच (द) सात
(ख) उपसर्ग को वर्गों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है-
(अ) दो (ब) तीन (स) चार (द) पांच
(ग) कर्मधारय समास का उदाहरण है-
(अ) नवरात्र (ब) गजानन (स) चरणकमल (द) प्रतिक्षण
(घ) स्वर संधि के भेद होते हैं-
(अ) चार (ब) तीन (स) पांच (द) सात
(ङ) लिखावट शब्द में प्रत्यय है-
(अ) आवट (ब) खावट (स) ट (द) आवट
(च) क्रिया विशेषण के भेद होते हैं-
(अ) दो (ब) पांच (स) तीन (द) चार
(छ) उपसर्ग का प्रयोग हुआ है-
(अ) अनाचार में (ब) अधर्म में (स) अनुराग में (द)अनबन में
(ज) बिहारी शब्द में प्रयुक्त प्रत्यय है-
(अ) रा (ब) एरा
(स) म
(द) मेरा
(झ) समास के भेद होते हैं-
(अ) पांच (ब) नौ (स) छ: (द) सात
(ञ) संधि के भेद होते हैं-
(अ) तीन (ब)
पांच (स) चार (द) सात
3. अपने विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य को स्थानांतरण प्रमाणपत्र हेतु प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखिए।
अथवा d` i` m
भाई के जन्मदिन हेतु निमंत्रण पत्र लिखिए।
4. निबंध लेखन। (कोई एक)
(अ) पुस्तकालय (ब) मेरा प्रिय मित्र
5. कहानी लेखन। (कोई एक) 5
(अ) मूर्ख कौवा (ब) चालाक बंदर
6. एक दिन गर्मी से बचने के लिए एक बाघ झाड़ी में घुस गया। 5 वहां मधुमक्खियों का
छत्ता था। बाघ के वहां
आने से उन में हलचल मच गई। एक - दो ने उसे काट भी लिया। बाघ ने गुस्से में पंजा हिलाया। सभी
मधुमक्खियां उस पर टूट पड़ी। पास ही गहरे तालाब में उनसे बचने के लिए वह कूद गया। डर के मारे उसकी
आंखें बंद हो गई। वह बहुत देर तक पानी में तैरता रहा। तैरते - तैरते बेहोश हो गया और पानी में डूबकर मर
गया। अगले दिन
उसकी फूली हुई लाश पानी पर तैरती मिली।
उपरोक्त गद्यांश के आधार पर निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर के सही
विकल्प छांटिए।
1. गर्मी से बचने के लिए बाघ ने क्या किया?
(अ) पेड़ पर चढ़ गया
(ब) पेड़ के नीचे बैठ गया
(स) झाड़ी में घुस गया
(द) इधर - उधर घूमने लगा
2. झाड़ी में क्या था?
(अ) मधुमक्खियों का छत्ता
(ब) सांप
(स) कांटे
(द) फूल
3. गुस्सा आने पर बाघ ने क्या किया?
(अ) पंजा हिलाया
(ब) सिर हिलाया
(स) पूछ हिलाई
(द) पंजा घुमाया
4. बाघ कहां कूदा?
(अ) तालाब में
(ब) कूए में
समुद्र में
(द) झील में
5. बाघ कैसे मरा ?
(अ) आग में जलकर
(ब) बंदूक की गोली से
(स) पानी में डूबकर
(द) गर्मी से
7. नीचे दिए गए मुहावरों का अर्थ दीजिए तथा वाक्य में प्रयोग किजिए।
(क) पोल खुलना (ख) धोखा देना (ग) आग में कूदना
(घ) दाल में कुछ
काला होना (ङ) अंग - अंग
8. विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
(क) आना (ख) रात ( ग ) अपना (घ) अमीर
( ङ ) सच
Roll no. ____ Annual Exam 2023-24 Class – 6 Mathematics MM: 70 Time: 2 ½ hr
SECTION A (1x 13 = 13)
1. Give a proper fraction whose numerator is 7 and denominator is 12.
2. Express the following as
mixed fractions :
Express the following mixed fractions as improper fractions :
by using > or < ..........
5. Which is greater? 2.191 .........2.189
6. Express as rupees using decimal: 945 paise
7. Write the formula to find perimeter of rectangle
8. Find the perimeter of triangle of side 10cm , 30cm and 40cm
9. Find the perimeter of following figure:
10. There are 40 apples in a box, how will you write the total number of apples in terms of the number of boxes? (Use b for the number of boxes.)
11. The teacher distributes 5 pencils per student. Can you tell how many pencils are needed, given the number of students? (Use s for the number of students.)
12. There are 50 persons working in an office. If the number of females is 30 and the remaining are males, find the ratio of the number of females to the number of male.
SECTION B (2 x15= 30)
Write in the simplest form
Fill in the box : =
16. Express as km using decimal: 6581 m
Find two equivalent fraction of
Find the equivalent fraction of having (a) denominator 30 (b) numerator 9
Add: +
Subtract : –
21. Find the sum 590.69+ 35.2 + 18
22. Find the value 25.9 – 3.829
23. Find the area of rectangle whose length and breadth are 25 cm and 15 cm respectively
24. Find the side of a square whose perimeter is 60 m.
25. Determine if the following are in proportion.
15, 45, 40,120.
26. Find the ratio of 67 to 35.
27. Are the following statements true?
20 persons: 100 = Rs.15: Rs.75
28. Find the perimeter of rectangle whose length is 22 cm and breadth is 20 cm.
SECTION C (3 x 9 = 27)
29. Arrange the following in ascending and descending order :
(a) ,
30. Find the ratio of 45 cm to 1.54m.
31. Write true or false against the following statement
6: 24:: 20:30
32. Subtract 3.049 km from 6.105 km.
Find +
34. Divide Rs. 60 in the ratio 1 : 2 between Kriti and Kiran
35. Following is the choice of sweets of 30 students of Class VI.
Ladoo, Barfi, Ladoo, Jalebi, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Ladoo, Barfi, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Jalebi, Jalebi, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Ladoo, Barfi, Rasgulla, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Rasgulla, Ladoo, Rasgulla, Jalebi, Ladoo.
Make a table and enter the data by using tally marks.
36. Find the perimeter of following figures:
37. Following pictograph shows the number of tractors in five villages.
Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions.
(i) Which village has the minimum number of tractors?
(ii) Which village has the maximum number of tractors?
(iii) How many more tractors village C has as compared to village B.
(iv) What is the total number of tractors in all the five villages?
Roll no. ________ Class 6 Sanskrit Final Examination 2024 Time: 2 h MM70
1. अधोलिखिताना प्रश्ननानाम् उत्तरं लिखत। 20
(क) जनाः काभि : जल विहारं कुर्वन्ति ?
(ख) जनाः कुत्र स्वैरं विहरन्ति ?
(ग) शृगालस्य मित्रं कः आसीत् ?
(घ) कृषकाः केन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति ?
(ङ) ते कं निश्चयम् अकुर्वन् ?
(च) के वायुयानं रचयन्ति ?
(छ) अजीज : गृहं गन्तुं किं वाज्छति ?
(ज) स्वामी मूर्खः आसीत् चतुरः वा ?
(झ) वयं कीदृशं सोपानं रचयाम ?
(ञ) भारतस्य दीर्घतम : समुद्र तट : कः ?
2. ' पठ् ' धातु लट्लकारे रूपाणि लिखत। 5
3. अधोलिखितसंख्या संस्कृत शब्देषु लिखत। 5
(क) ८ (ख) १४ (ग) २९ (घ) ३६ (च) ४२
4. स्वकीय पाठ्य पुस्तकात् दो: श्लोक लिखत। 5
5. शब्दरूपाणि लिखत। ( कोई दो ) 5
(क) बालक (ख) मुनि (ग) बालिका
6. निबन्ध लेखनम्। (कोई एक ) 5
(क) अस्माकं विद्यालय: (ख) उघोग: (ग) होलिकोत्सवः
7. द्वौ दिवसौ अवकाशं दातुं स्वस्य मुख्याध्यापकं प्रति आवेदनपत्रं लिखत। 5
8. ‘शृगालः द्राक्षाफलं च’ इति शीर्षकं लघुकथां प्रायः 80 शब्देषु लिखत।
वा पिपासित काक: इति शीर्षकं लघुकथां प्रायः 80 शब्देषु लिखत। 5
9. अधोलिखिताना वाक्यानां संस्कृतभाषायाम् अनुवाद कुरूत l 5
(क) राम दूध पियेगा। (ख) मैं पढ़ता हूँ । (ग) सदा सत्य बोलो। (घ) मोर नाचता है।
(ङ) सीता एक चित्र देखती है।
10. अधोलिखितेषु शब्देषु सन्धि कुरुत। 5
(क) विद्या + आलयः (ख) गिरि + ईशः (ग) गंगा + ओघः (घ) सूर्य + उदयः
(ङ) महा + उत्सव :
11. अधोलिखितेषु पदेषु सन्धि - विच्छेदं कृत्वा संधेः नामापि लिखित l 5
(क) परमोदारः (ख) गंगोदकम् (ग) महीशः (घ) अहं वन्दे (ङ) नमस्करोति @@@@@@@@@@
Roll no. ________ Class 6 Science Final Examination 2024 MM 70 Time: 2 h
1. Fill in the blanks: 5
a. Parrot eats only ______ products.
b. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease known as ______.
c. Soil, water and air are the ______ factors of a habitat.
d. Motion of a child on a swing is _________.
e. The contraction of the _______ pulls the bones during movement.
2. State whether the given statement is true or false. 5
a. By eating rice alone, we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body. [ ]
b. Chalk dissolves in water. [ ]
c. Leaves hold the plant upright. [ ]
d. Light travels in a straight line. [ ]
e. The forearm has two bones. [ ]
3. Which of the following has reticulate venation? 1
(a) grass (b) maize (c) wheat (d) tulsi
4. Carnivores eat: 1
(a) plants (b) animals (c) both plants and animals (d) none of these
5. Name two foods rich in dietary fibre. 2
6. Name the major nutrients in our food. 2
7. Name two foods rich in protein. 2
8. Name two things that float on water. 2
9. Why can’t a pace or a footstep be used as a standard unit of length? 2
10. Name two plants and their parts that we eat. 2
11. In a completely dark room, why can’t you see your reflection in a mirror? 2
12. Why don’t we use a measuring tape made of an elastic material to measure distance? 2
13. Name the mineral that is required for keeping our bones healthy. 2
14. Plaster of Paris (POP) is used for applying over bandage. Can the change in POP be reversed? 2
15. Name the part of the plant which produces food. Name the process. 2
16. Give two examples of periodic motion. 2
17. List any four characteristics of living things. 2
18. The distance between Radha’s home and her school is 1245 m. Express this distance in km. 2
19. While measuring the length of a knitting needle, the reading of the scale at one end is 1 cm and at the other end is 33.3 cm. What is the length of the needle? 3
20. The height of a person is 1.50 m. Express the height in cm and mm. 3
21. What is a habitat? Give some examples. 3
22. How are cacti (cactus) adopted to survive in a desert? 3
23. What are the functions of a stem? 3
24. Group the following changes as reversible and non-reversible. 3
The sawing of a piece of wood, the melting of ice candy, dissolving sugar in water, cooking of food, turning of milk into curd, burning of paper 3
Can be reversed |
Cannot be reversed |
25. Group the following things as objects that shine and do not shine. 3
Glass bowl, plastic toy, steel spoon, cotton shirt, gold ring, eraser
Shine |
Do not shine |
26. What forms the skeleton of the human body? What is a ball and socket joint? 3
27. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a typical flower. 3
Roll no. ______ Class 6 Social Science Final Examination 2024 MM 70 Time: 2h
I Fill in the blanks. 10
1. The ______ is the vital link between the Block Samitis and the State Government.
2. Banking is a ________ occupation.
3. The earth travels around the sun in ______ orbit.
4. The process of transformation of fertile land into barren and sandy land is known as __________.
5. Tejaji sacrificed his life for the protection of _______.
6. Royal princes often went to the provinces as _________.
7. Ploughmen were known as _______ in Tamil.
8. Stories of gods and goddesses are found in the _________.
9. The river Narmada falls into the _______ Sea.
10. The ______ Ocean is named after a country.
II Choose the correct answer. 10
1. The Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005 empowers______.
(a) men (b) women (c) children (d) farmers
2. _________ is not a handicraft product.
(a) Straw mattress (b) sugar (c) embroidered cotton bags (d) painted pots
3. The blue colour is used for showing________. (a) plains (b) mountains (c) water bodies (d) hills
4. Various branches of Rajputs established their kingdoms in ______. (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
5. The height of Guru Shikhar is _______. (a) 1522 m (b) 1722 m (c) 1822 m (d) 1922 m
6. According to 2011 census, total literacy percentage of Rajasthan is ______. (a) 52.12 (b) 66.11 (c) 79.19 (d) 89.50
7. The mountain range that separates Europe from Asia is ______. (a) the Andes (b) the Himalayas (c) the Urals (d) the Aravalis
8. Sahyadris is also known as ______. (a) Aravali (b) Western Ghats (c) Eastern Ghats (d) Himadri
9. ______ is a Tamil epic.
(a) Maniratnam (b) Manimekalai (c) Manipuram (d) Ramcharitmanas
10. Mathura is an important _______. (a) village (b)port (c) religious centre (d) forest area
III Match the columns. 6
Column A |
Column B |
1. Stupa |
2. Shikhara |
b. the oldest range |
3. The Ganga and the Brahmaputra |
c. mound |
4. the Aravalis |
d. 100 villages |
5. Panchayat |
e. tower |
6. Block Samiti |
f. a council |
IV Answer the following questions in very short: (Any ten) 10x2=12
1. What is the role of the municipal commissioner in a municipal corporation?
2. Which problems do employees face in unorganised sectors?
3. Why is biosphere important for living organisms?
4. What is a leap year?
5. Name the major tributaries of Chambal River.
6. Which groups could not participate in the assemblies of the ganas?
7. Why did Anagha’s mother want her to know the story of Buddha?
8. Mention three authors who wrote about Harshavardhana.
9. Why is Lakshadweep known as a coral island?
10. What do you mean by the term ‘the scale of the map’?
11. What are the responsibilities of the police?
V Answer the following questions in short: (Any five) 5x3=15
1. Mention two characteristics of marginal farmers.
2. Differentiate between summer and winter solstice.
3. Name the major physical divisions of India.
4. Write a note on Chambal Project.
5. What were the problems that Ashoka wanted to solve by introducing dhamma?
6. Name the three levels of the panchayati raj system.
VI Answer the following questions in detail: (Any three) 3x4=12
1. Distinguish between a map and a plan.
2. What were the means adopted by Ashoka to spread the message of dhamma?
3. List any two functions of the Patwari. Why do land records need to be updated regularly?
4. Write a short note on the jagirdari system of Rajasthan before independence.
VII Map Work: On the given map of India, mark the following: 5
1. Tropic of Cancer
2. Jaipur
3. Lakshadweep Islands
4. Eastern Ghats
5. Standard Meridian of India
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