Sunday, 12 May 2024

Class 4, Final Exam 2024

Roll no. _______ Class 4        English         Final Examination 2024       MM 60           Time 1 ½ hr

A          Answer the following questions.                                                                                        30

1.      What was Nat’s problem?

2.      Why did Nat look ‘utterly incredulous’?

3.      What does the cow give the poet?

4.      What does the cow do during day time?

5.      How did the family start their journey?

6.      Describe how the family built the tree house?

7.      What kind of thoughts comforted Oliver initially?

8.      Why was King Solomon admired?

9.      What did the Pied Piper tell the Mayor?

10. How does the nurse feel?

B          Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.                                                 5

1.      Nat could play ________ (guitar/violin/piano/cards) well.

2.      ________ (Jack/Nat/Mr Bhaer/Demi) was quick at numbers.

3.      He made a _______ (platform/table/ladder/stair) to climb the tree.

4.      The gift of penny was given to Oliver by ______ (Daikins/Twist/Sowerberry/Harry).

5.      The artificial flower was in the ______ (right/left/both/king’s) hand.

C          Put a Tick if the sentence is correct or a Cross if it is wrong.                                          5

1.      Nat did not care to hear anything.                                [     ]

2.      The branches of the tree were quite low.                    [     ]

3.      Oliver was never frightened to be alone.                     [     ]

4.      The Queen of Egypt wanted to test King Solomon.    [     ]

5.      The Mayor brought back the children from the hill.  [     ]

D          Do as directed.                                                                                                                      10

            1. Bengaluru is a beautiful city.   (Pick out a common noun.)

            2. A clever man shows ________.      (abstract noun)

            3. She will do it _______.     (reflexive pronoun)

            4. Dog - ________      (opposite gender)

            5. Horse - ________      (opposite gender)

            6. He knows us.    (Change into past tense)

            7. We eat apples. (Change into past tense)

            8. speak - ______, ______ (give the past and past participle forms)

            9. fly - ______, ______ (give the past and past participle forms)

            10. Grapes are sour. (Turn into question/interrogative sentence)


E          Write the synonym of: 1. clean = ________     2. admire = _________                      2


F          Write the antonym of: 1. rude x _____   2. forget x ______   3. positive x _____      3

G         Write a short paragraph on any one of the following topics:                                         5

            1. Winter Season

2. Uniform

3. My Best Friend                          


Roll no. ______ Class 4        EVS       Final Examination 2024          MM: 60     Time: 2 hr

Part A (Science)

A         Answer the following questions.                                                                                               15

              1. Mention any two rules of safety that should be followed on the road.

              2. What is matter? 

              3. What is a solution?

              4. When does evaporation take place faster? 

              5. Name the three layers of soil.  

B          Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.                                                                 5

1. We should play in the __________________________.                                                                   (a) middle of the road   (b)footpath   (c) playground   (d) zebra crossing  

2. _______ is used to make electric wires.                                                                                                   (a) Wood     (b) Iron     (c) Copper     (d) Bakelite 

3. _________ is the method used by water filters to purify water.                                                       (a) Boiling      (b) Decantation     (c) Sedimentation   (d) Filtration

4. Rain is formed due to ________ of water vapour.                                                                                 (a) evaporation     (b) condensation     (c) heating    (d) filtration 

5. _______ is a combination of sand and clay, which is very fertile.                                                      (a) Loam       (b) Clay        (c) Silt       (d) Salt

C          Put a Tick if the sentence is correct or a Cross if it is wrong.                                             5

            1. Children can play with matches.     [     ]

            2. Matter is made up of molecules.     [     ]

            3. Sand can dissolve in water.     [     ]

            4. Water evaporates slowly on a windy day.     [     ]

            5. Rice and wheat do not grow well in clayey soil.     [     ]

D         Match the columns.                                                                                                                      5

            Column A

Column B

1.     silos

a.     good conductor of electricity

2.     immersion rod

b.     translucent

3.     copper

c.      storage of grains

4.     tracing paper

d.     soluble in water

5.     salt

e.     to heat water


Part B (Social Studies)

E          Answer the following questions.                                                                                               15

1. What are the different types of irrigation systems practised in India?         

2. Why is aluminium used for making aeroplanes?

3. What is the difference between small-scale and large-scale industries?

4. Name some modern means of communication. 

5. What are the three organs of the Indian government?

F          Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.                                                                 5

            1. Hirakud Dam is built across river______.                                                                                          (a) Sutlej     (b) Ganga    (c) Mahanadi     (d) Krishna                                                                                                                                                                                                PTO

            2. Minerals are resources that are ______ .                                                                                          (a) renewable    (b) non-renewable     (c) manmade       (4) reusable

            3. BHEL manufactures _________________.                                                                                     (a) electric goods     (b) sugar    (c) shawls     (d) handicrafts

            4. The first GSLV was launched from _____________.                                                                      (a) Mumbai     (b) Sriharikota     (c) Trivandrum     (d) Avady

            5. The Rajya Sabha consists of ______ members.                                                                                (a) 252         (b) 250         (c) 240        (d) 234

G         Match the columns.                                                                                                                      5

            Column A

Column B

1.     food crop

a.     soap

2.     cash crop

b.     embroidery work

3.     small-scale industry

c.      wheat 

4.     large-scale industry

d.     cotton

5.     cottage industry

e.     automobiles


H         Draw the given map of India and mark the following.                                            3+2=5

            1. The state where Mettur Dam is located  

            2. The state where Hirakud Dam is located











Roll no. _______कक्षा – 4             विषय - हिंदी                                   वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024                    MM 30             Time 1 hr
1.निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।                                                                                           12

  1. होली खेतों में क्या लाई?

  2. योगिता छुट्टियों में क्या सीख रही थी?

  3. लक्ष्य कैसे होने चाहिए?

             4. आचार्य ने राजा से क्या कहा?

  5. मनोहर कौन था?

  6. लड़का बरगद के पेड़ पर क्यों हंसा?

2. सही शब्द से रिक्त स्थान भरिए।                                                                                                             3

( नागार्जुन, असाध्य, शीघ्र, वृक्ष, बैलगाड़ी, त्योहार )

            1. लड़के की _____________ ही आंख लग गई।

  2. बरगद का एक____________था।

            3. रामू काका से ____________मैं पहुंचने के लिए कहती हूं।

            4. ___________ ने उसके बने रसायन की जांच की।

 5. उन्होंने अनेक ___________रोगों की दवाई तैयार की थी।

            6. बच्चों के लिए हर साल______ एक नया रंग लेकर आता है।

3.सही वाक्य पर ( √ )गलत वाक्य पर (x) का चिन्ह लगाइए।                                                       3

            1. दोनों युवक उस राजमार्ग से गुजर रहे थे।                        ( )

            2. ललिता के घर उसकी टीचर आई थी।                               ( )

3. ललिता की मां बीमार थी।                                                 ( )

            4. बरगद का एक वृक्ष था बहुत विशाल।                               ( )

            5. राजा ने नागार्जुन के पास तीन नवयुवक भेजें।                 ( )

6. लड़का अपनी बकरियों को पकड़ने के लिए भाग रहा था। ( )  

4. निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से संज्ञा, विशेषण और क्रिया शब्द छांटकर लिखिए।                             2

                           वाक्य                             संज्ञा       विशेषण        क्रिया

1 विशाल वृक्ष हंसने लगा।        ______     _______      ______

2 शीतल हवा बह रही थी।       ______      _______      ______

5. दिए गए शब्दों के पर्यायवाची लिखिए।                                                                                         2

1. सूर्य ___________ 2. हृदय ____________

3. वायु ___________ 4. पृथ्वी ____________

6. वचन बदलकर लिखिए।                                                                                                                 2

1. मूर्ति ___________ 2. बच्चा ____________

3.मटकी __________ 4. त्योहार ____________

7. दो दिनों के अवकाश हेतु अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को प्रार्थना पत्र लिखिए।                                               3

8. निबंध लिखिए। कोई एक)                                                                                                                  3

    1 होली का त्यौहार        2. मेरा प्रिय मित्र         3. मोदीजी    


Roll no. _____  Class 4      Mathematics        Final Examination 2024     MM 60   Time 2 hr

1.     Give the first two equivalent fractions of the following.                                              4

             (a)                (b) 


2. Arrange in ascending order.                                                                                                  1



3. Solve the following.                                                                                                                  8

            (a)         (b)     (c)          (d)     


4. Ashok’s school is  km from home. He covered km by bus, and then he walked the remaining distance. What fraction of the distance did he walk?                         2


5. A fruitseller sold  of the mangoes in the morning and  of the mangoes in the evening. What fraction of the mangoes did she sell during the entire day?                      2


6. A cart weighed 55 kg 540 g. It was loaded with guavas weighing 20 kg 200 g. Find the total weight of the cart.                                                                                                   2


7. Express as decimal numbers.                                                                                                 4

            (a)             (b)              (c)               (d)  


8. Calculate profit/loss.                                                                                                                4

            (a) CP= ₹ 850          SP= ₹ 745

            (b) CP= ₹ 900          SP= ₹ 1005


9. Calculate the selling price.                                                                                                      4

            (a) CP= ₹ 350          Profit = ₹ 445

            (b) CP= ₹ 988          Loss= ₹ 188


10. Convert the following.                                                                                                          4

            (a) 55 km = _____ m

            (b) 2 km = ______ cm

            (c) 356 g = ______ mg

            (d) 2 kg = _______ g


11. Solve the following.                                                                                                               8

(a)        kg     g

              5   4 5 6

       +    2    2 4 2

(b)        kg     g

              6   2 7 3

       +     2   8 2 1

(c)        km    m

              5   2 2 3

        x                3

(d)          l       ml

              5   9 7 6

          2   5 4 1






12. Find the perimeter of the following figures.                                                                   4

            (a)                5 cm                                            (b)


            6 cm                           6 cm                                5 cm                     6 cm     


                              3 cm                                                                  3 cm                             


13. Find the perimeter and area.                                                                                              6

(a) Side of a square = 6 cm

(b) Length of a square = 10 cm

(c) Rectangle with Length = 6 m and Breadth = 5 m           

            14. Draw the line of symmetry, if any, for the following figures.                                                2

                        (a) *          (b)  U

15.  The number of runs scored by various players in a match is given in the table         below. Represent the information using a bar graph.                                                         5



















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