Monday 2 August 2021

Important Questions Science Class 10 Board Examination


Class 10                                   Science                        Board Roll no. ____________

1.      The molecular formula of ethyl alcohol is ___________.                                         1

2.      Full form of LSD is _________________.                                                                   1

3.      Glomerulus is found in _________________.                                                            1

4.      The term genetics was coined by ______________.                                                             1

5.      The first antibody produced in response to antigen is ________.                             1

6.      ____________ gas is released from bleaching powder.                                           1

7.      Full form of synthetic polymer PAN is _______________.                                        1

8.      Unit of power (in work) is ___________and in lens is __________.                                     2

9.      Botanical name of the state tree of Rajasthan is _______________.                       1

10.  Full form of IUPAC is _____________________________.                                       1

11.  Ptyalin is also known as ______________.                                                                1

12.  Explain the role of salivary gland in digestion of food.                                              3

13.  State the laws of inheritance.                                                                                     3

14.  What is water of crystallisation? Give examples.                                                      3

15.   Write a chemical equation of (a) combination reaction

(b) decomposition reaction  (c) displacement reaction.                                             3

16.  Explain Dalton’s atomic theory.                                                                                 3

17.  Write the molecular structure of (a) 2-pentene (b) 1-chloro-2-butene

(c) 2-methyl butane                                                                                                    3

18.  An object moving with a uniform velocity has 2500 J kinetic energy.

If its mass is 50 kg, find its velocity.                                                                           3

19.  Draw neat and labelled diagram of:                                                                 3x4=12

(a)   Human Respiratory System or Human Heart

(b)   Human Kidney or Human Reproductive System (Male or Female)

(c)    Structure of Antibody or Structure of Eye

(d)   Construction of DC Generator

20.  Describe the different species classified by IUCN.                                                     5

21.  Describe the important medicinal plants.                                                                  5

22.  Prove that the mechanical energy of a freely falling object is conserved.               5

23.  Derive the formula of Resistance in a series connection.                                         5

24.  Focal length of a convex lens is 50 cm. If object is at 30 cm, find the distance of image. What will be its magnification?                                                                        5


Thursday 29 July 2021

Important Questions for Biology NEET Class 11, Class 12


Name: _________________________Roll no. _________Class 12, Biology

1.      Jumping genes are called: (a) phasmids (b) plasmids (c) cosmids (d) transpozones

2.      Who proposed the cohesion theory of ascent of sap?: (a) Godlewski (b) JC Bose (c) Strasburger (d) Dixon and Jolly

3.      The source of EcoRI enzyme is: (a) bacteria (b) algae (c) plant (d) virus

4.      Ubisch bodies are formed in: (a) epidermis (b) endothecium (c) tapetum (d) integument

5.      Cleistogamy pollination is found in: (a)Viola (b) Papaya (c) Jamun (d) Cassia

6.      Female gametophyte is: (a) embryo  (b) embryo sac (c) endoderm (d) synergid cell

7.      Triple fusion results in the formation of: (a) seed     (b) embryo sac (c) endosperm (d) synergid cell

8.      Which plant forms many embryo sacs in the ovule? (a) Argemone  (b) Aristolochia (c) Casuarina (d) Calotropis

9.      Which pathway of the plant is the most resistant to absorbed water to reach the xylem tissue?:

(a) apoplast     (b) symplast  (c) membrane  (d) vacuolar

10.  Hydathodes are found: (a) on leaf edge (b) on upper epidermis of leaf (c) on lower epidermis of leaf (d) in bark

11.  The development of plant without fertilisation is called: (a) afertilisation (b) parthenogenesis (c) apomixis (d) micro-propagation

12.  The chemical used to mix in petrol and used as fuel is: (a) methanol (b) ethanol (c) LPG (d) propanol

13.  Red pepper’s hot flavour is due to the compound: (a) curcumin (b) capsaicin (c) thymol (d) anethole

14.  T1 plasmid is found in: (a) A tumefaciens (b) A rhizogenes (c) E coli (d) Bacillus thuringiensis

15.  Transpiration does not occur in : (a) leaf (b) stem (c) root (d) raw fruit


16.  Define respiratory quotient. __________________________________________________.

17.  Define totipotency.__________________________________________________________.

18.  Lock and Key theory was proposed by whom and when? ___________________________.

19.  Name two petro-plants. _____________________________________________________.

20.  Name two synthetic auxins. __________________________________________________.

21.  The full form of NADP is ____________________________________________________.

22.  The full form of RFLP is _____________________________________________________.

23.  What are cosmids? _________________________________________________________.

24.  What are the botanical name and the family name of castor? ________________________.

25.  Who discovered the recombinant DNA technology? _______________________________.

26.  What is pollen kit? __________________________________________________________.

27.  What is heterostyly? _________________________________________________________.

28.  On which plant did JC Bose work to explain ascent of sap? ___________________________.

29.  Who proposed the theory of active K+ ion? ________________________________________.

30.  In which form are Fe and Cl absorbed from the soil? ________________________________.

31.  Name of one non-protein enzyme. _______________________________________________.

32.  What is the first stable product of photosynthesis? __________________________________.

33.  Who propounded chemiosmotic theory? __________________________________________.

34.  Which hormones induce parthenocarpy? __________________________________________.

35.  Define explants. _____________________________________________________________.

36.  In which disease quinine is useful? ______________________________________________.

37.  All the substances produced due to photosynthesis are called__________________________.

38.  How is secondary nucleus formed? ______________________________________________.

39.  What is homogamy? __________________________________________________________.

40.  What is the shape of guard cell?_________________________________________________.

Monday 10 September 2018

Final Exam 2018, English, Classes 6 and 7

 English              Class 6         Final Examination 2018            MM 70            Roll no. ________

1.  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:                              3
The great advantage of rising early is the good beginning it gives in our day’s work. In the early morning the mind is fresh because there are few disturbances. So the work done at that time is generally well done. The early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh air. This exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has enough time to do all the works. After finishing his work in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before he goes to bed.
a)      When are there only few disturbances?
b)      What gives the early riser a fund of energy?
c)      Why can we work better in the morning? 

2. Give meaning of these words:                                                                                                      7
     Nominate,  seldom,          trifle,  
     scorching,   defiance,         resent,        dodge  

3. Answer the following questions in short:                                                                                               12
    a.  Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s nomination as head Panch?
    b.  What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?
    c.   How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?
    d.   Why was Rasheed upset?

4. Answer the following question in detail:                                                                                                5
     How do mongooses kill snakes?

5. Do as directed:                                                                                                                               10
a)      an hour I met ago her.            (rewrite correctly)
b)      Never tell a lie.                       (classify the sentence)
c)      It was a sunny day.                  (turn into negative sentence)
d)      Light the lamp.                        (turn into negative sentence)
e)      You are a liar.                                     (change into interrogative sentence)
f)       The mad dog bit the child.      (change into interrogative sentence)
g)      Iron is a useful metal.                         (pick out any one noun and tell its kind)
h)      Gambhir is a very good batsman. (pick out any one noun and tell its kind)
i)        We have enough wealth.        (pick out adjective)
j)        Is there no milk in the jug?     (pick out adjective)

6. Define noun.                                                                                                                                   2
7. What is adjective?                                                                                                                          2
8. What is the definition of verb?                                                                                                       2

9. Write the poem titled Whatif.                                                                                                       7

10. You are Ankita staying in a hostel. Write a letter to your father inquiring about his health.               10                                                                                                                               
11. Write a paragraph on: The Book I Like Most.                                                                            10


English              Class 7               Final Examination 2018                     MM 70       Roll no. _____

1.  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:                                         
This is the story of a man who thought he had a right to do what he liked. One day that gentleman was walking along a busy road spinning his walking stick. A man who was walking behind him objected.
“You ought not to spin your walking stick round and round like that.” He said. “I am free to do what I like with my walking stick,” argued the gentleman. “Of course, you are,” said the other man, “but you ought to know that your freedom ends where my nose begins.”
The story tells us that we can enjoy our rights and our freedom only if they do not interfere with other people’s rights and freedom.
a.      Who had the right to do what he liked?                                                                                    1
b.      What was he doing with the walking stick?                                                                              1
c.       Rearrange the following sentences according to the time of events:                                     3
(i)   He had a walking stick.
(ii)  Another man told him not to do so.
(iii) He started spinning it round and round.
(iv) There was a man who did whatever he pleased.
(v)  He went for a walk taking that walking stick. 
2. Give meanings of these words:                                                                                                    5
     Alias,          smothered,          remnant,          compatriots,          whacking
3. Answer the following questions in short:                                                                                               12
    a.  Why does Maya think Mr Nath is a crook?
    b. What trees does Mr Wonka mention? Which tree does he say lives the longest?
    c. What are the three main ways in which a fire can be put out?
    d.  Do you think cricket owes its popularity to television? Justify your answer. 

4. Answer the following question in detail:                                                                                                5
    Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. 

5. Do as directed:                                                                                                                               10
a)      The pen is __________ than the sword.                (might)
b)      The Kashmir Valley is the ________ place on earth.        (charming)
c)      Heir - ____________              (feminine)
d)      Axis - ____________              (plural)
e)      Work hard ________ you should fail.            (conjunction)
f)       Though he is poor _______ he is happy.      (conjunction)
g)      I congratulated her _______ her success.       (preposition)
h)      The child was tired and slept __________.      (adverb)
i)        I am the person __________ is to blame.       (relative pronoun)
j)         ‘Help __________’ , said the teacher.          (reflexive pronoun)
6. Define conjunction.                                                                                                                         2
7. What is verb?                                                                                                                                  2
8. What is the definition of adjective?                                                                                               2

9. Write the poem titled Meadow Surprises.                                                                                     7
10. Write a letter to your nephew/niece congratulating him/her on his/her birthday.                  10       
11. Write a paragraph on At the Railway Station.                                                                             10
       Write the story of the Two Crows and the Snake.
