Thursday 23 December 2021

English, Class 8, Half Yearly Examination 2021

English            Class 8             Half Yearly Examination 2021           MM: 42           Time: 1 ½  hrs

NOTE: For Q 1 to 20, write only the answers in your answer sheet. Do not write the full sentences.

            For Q 21 to 24, write your answers in full sentences but do not write the questions.



1.      Let’s discuss _____ problem seriously.  (a /an/the/X)

2.      It is the end of the month, but I still have ______ rupees left.  (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

3.      She is in ______ hurry.  (a /an/the/X)

4.      She is _______ untidy girl. (a /an/the/X)

5.      She demanded a cup of ______ coffee. (a /an/the/X)

6.      A poor man has _______ money to waste. (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

7.      ______ London is the capital of Great Britain. (a /an/the/X)

8.      There is ______ university in our town.  (a /an/the/X)

9.      Which is _______ nearest railway station from here?  (a /an/the/X)


10.  Only today he spoke _______ half an hour. (at / for/ on/ into)

11.  Chunni Lal sat down _____ the sofa. (on/for/at/of)

12.  He lifted the fawn _____ the ground. (from/on/at/into)


13.  We _______ him for many years. (help)

14.  Last week my rabbit ______ away. (run)

15.  A computer _______ like a cabinet. (look)


16.  You are ________ than boys of your age. (smart)

17.  Tea is perhaps the ________ drink in the world. (common)

18.  It was the ______ night. (dark)

Conditional Sentences

19.  If they ________ on the beach, they would not have been alive. (stay)

20.  I don’t know if it _______.   (work)


21.  He worked hard. He may get first position. (so as to)

22.  They saw the bear. They ran away. (No sooner...than)

Passive Voice

23.  I shall fly a kite tomorrow.     (change into passive)

24.  Why did you not finish your work?     (change into passive)

Textbook Questions

25.  How did the East India Company subdue the Indian princes?                                                           3

26.  How are Meghna’s and Alma’s stories similar?                                                                                 3


27.  Write a short paragraph on My School OR Our Headmaster.                                                          3

28.  Write the short story of Four Bulls OR Two Friends and the Bear. Don’t forget the moral.                        3

29.  Imagine you are Ramesh. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend the marriage of your brother.                                                                                                                                               3

30.  Suppose you are the headmaster of your school. Write a notice telling about the Children’s Day celebration.                                                                                                                                         3





Saturday 23 October 2021

Important Questions English Grammar

 English      8       Conjunction     Name: __________________Roll no. _____

1.      Come in time. Don’t come at all. (either...or)

2.      Pay the rent. Leave the house. (either...or)

3.      She will read a book. She will go to the cinema. (either...or)

4.      I called him to invite him. (so that)

5.      I called him to invite him. (in order that)

6.      He will pay you. You work. (as long as)

7.      I reached the school. The bell rang. (as soon as)

8.      I reached the school. The bell rang. (No sooner...than)

9.      He worked hard. He may get first position. (so as to)

10.  They saw the bear. They ran away. (as soon as)

11.  They saw the bear. They ran away. (No sooner...than)

12.  He entered the house. He took off his coat. (as soon as)

13.  He entered the house. He took off his coat. (No sooner...than)

14.  My sister gives English lessons to earn some money. (so that)

15.  My sister gives English lessons to earn some money. (in order that)


English Grammar   10     Tenses      Name: _______________ Roll no. ________Date: _______


1.      They often ________________ to the movies. (go)

2.      My uncle seldom _________________ a hat but he ______________ one now. (wear, wear)

3.      He __________________ his mobile on the train yesterday.  (lose)

4.      When she _________________ tennis, it ________________ to rain. (play, begin)

5.      She __________________ TV, when the doorbell ___________________. (watch, ring)



1.      I ___________________ the work just now. (finish)

2.      The school __________________ in July every year. (reopen)

3.      The train ____________________. (already depart)

4.      I shall teach him if he _______________. (come)

5.      Mother ____­­_________________ out. (just go)

6.      I _________________ him for a long time. (not see)

7.      He never _________________. (smoke)

8.      She habitually _________________ late. (come)

9.      He __________________ a letter now. (write)

10.  He __________________ next month. (go)    (Present tense)


English Determiners     8         Name: ________________________ Roll no. ______ Date: ____________

1.      ______ work left yesterday has been completed.  (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

2.      __________ friends he has are really faithful to him. (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

3.      A poor man has _______ money to waste. (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

4.      April is ______ fourth month of the year.  (a /an/the/X)

5.      He has only _________ friends.  (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

6.      It is the end of the month, but I still have ______ rupees left.  (few/a few/ the few/little/a little/the little)

7.      Let’s discuss _____ problem seriously.  (a /an/the/X)

8.      She demanded a cup of ______ coffee. (a /an/the/X)

9.      She is _______ untidy girl. (a /an/the/X)

10.  ______ London is the capital of Great Britain. (a /an/the/X)

11.  She is in ______ hurry.  (a /an/the/X)

12.  She scored ________ highest marks in the examination.  (a /an/the/X)

13.  There is ______ university in our town.  (a /an/the/X)

14.  Which is _______ nearest railway station from here?  (a /an/the/X)

15.  ______ honesty is _______ best policy. (a /an/the/X)


English Tenses       9               Name: ___________________Roll no. ______

1.       When I ___________ in the garden, my uncle _________________ me. (work, call)

2.       While she ______________ the food, the children _________________. (cook, play)

3.       They _______________ their lunch at home last Friday. (forget)

4.       Before they ________________ to Udaipur, they _______________ everything. (move, sell)

5.       After he ________________ very hard, he ________________ ill. (work, fall)

6.       They _______________ on a trip to Jaipur before moving to Kota. (go)

7.       They told that I ___________________ my chance. (lose)

8.       I was tired. I ____________ all day. (work)

9.       I ____________ here since 9 o’clock. (stand)

10.   If he _____________ me, I would have helped him. (ask)

11.   When we reached the hospital, the patient _____________. (die)

12.   As soon as he saw the teacher, he ____________away. (run)