Okkf’kZd ijh{kk & 2014
fo’k; % fgUnh
d{kk & VIII
le;%& 1%30 ?k.Vs
x|ka’k dks i<dj uhps fn, iz’uks ds mÙkj nhft, &
ukud ds
inksa dh lcls cMh fo’ks"krk gS mudk lh/kkiu vkSj ljy vfHkO;fDr A tgk¡ dchj
us vui< turk dks izHkkfor djus gsrq :idksa dk lgkjk fy;k ] ukud ds Hktuks
esa ;g izo`fÙk ugha ikbZ tkrhA ukud us lh/kh lknh Hkk"kk esa ] ljy ’kSyh
esa ] vius Hkkoksa dk izfriknu fd;kA dchj us ikBd dks my>kdj viuh egÙkk
iznf’kZr dh]ysfdu ukud dh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ Vs<kiu ;k tfVyrk ugh fn[kkbZ
nsrh gSA ;gh dkj.k gs fd mudh ok.kh esa HkfDr dh fu’Ny vfHkO;fDr fn[krh gs A ,d
ckr buds inksa esa lcls fujkyh gS vkSj og gs laxhr dh izpqjrkA ukud ,d xk;d lar
Fks ] ,slh voLFkk esa Hktuksa esa y;kRedrk dk gksuk LokHkkfod gh gSA 10
ukud ds inksa dh lcls cMh fo’ks"krk D;k
gS\ 2
ukud ds inksa dh lcls fujkyh ckr D;k gS \ 2
mi;ZqDr x|ka’k dk mfpr ’kh"kZd nhft, \ 2
dchj us vui< turk dks izHkkfor djus ds fy;s
fdldk lgkjk fy;k \ 2
ukud us vius Hkkoksa dk izfriknu fdl izdkj
fd;k \ 2
v fuEufyf[kr
iz’uks ds mÙkj nhft, & 22
dfo us vius vkus dks ^mYykl ^vkSj tkus dks^
vk¡lw cudj cg Tkkuk ^D;ks dgk gS \ 2
i{kh vkSj ckny dh fpVzBh;kas esa isM] ikS/ks]
ikuh vkSj igkM D;k i< Ikkrs gS \ 2
cksyrk fluek cukus ds fy, fQYedkj vnsZf’kj ,e bZjkuh dks izsj.kk dgk¡ ls feyh \mUgksus
vkye vkjk fQYe ds fy, vk/kkj dgk¡ ls fy;k \2
fu/kZurk ds ckn feyus okyh laiUurk dk fp=.k
vius ’kCnksa esa fy[kksA¼lqnkek pfjr½ 2
ßykyk >kÅyky th us QkSju nks vkSj nks
tksMdj fLFkfr dks le> fy;k AÞvkids fopkj ls ykyk >kÅyky us dkSu dkSu lh
ckrsa le> yh gksaxh \2
Jhd`".k fdl yksHk ds dkj.k
nw/k ihus ds fy;s rS;kj gq, rFkk nw/k ds vykok d`".k dkSu dkSu ls [kk|
inkFkZ dks vf/kd ilUn djrs Fks \2
vksl dh cw¡n dzks/k vkSj ?k`.kk ls D;ks dk¡Ik
mBh \ 2
lk¡Ik mMus dh bPNk dks
eq[kZrkiw.kZ ekurk Fkk ]fQj mlus mMus dh dksf’k’k D;ksa dh \ 2
Vksih cuokus ds fy, xojb;k fdl-fdl ds ikl xbZ
\xojb;k dh Vksih ij nthZ us ik¡p Qq¡nus D;ksa tM fn, \ 2
viuh ikBz; iqLrd ls ,d dfork vkSj
mlds ys[kd dk uke fy[kks A 4
v eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fyf[k, & 6
1 vk¡[kksa esa [kwu mrjuk 2 dystk QVuk 3 vkLrhu dk lk¡i
4 ,d vk¡[k uk Hkkuk 5 mYVh xaxk cgkuk 6
viuk mYyw lh/kk djuk
v fuEufyf[kr
;qXe ’kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kks & 6
1 va’k&val 2 lwj&’kwj 3 x`g&xzg
4 vidkj&midkj 5 y{k&y{; 6 fo"k&fol
v vfr
vu vi vfHk v rFkk lq milxZ yxkdj nks nks ‘kCn fyf[k, A 6
v vki
jksfgr ‘kekZ gS z vids firkth dk LFkkukUrj.k lk¡pkSj ls t;iqj gks x;k gSA vius
fo+|kYk; ds iz/kkukpk;Z egksn; dks LFkkukUrj.k izek.k i= ds fy;s izkFkZuk i=
fyf[k, A 10
v vius
fe= dks mlds tUe fnol ij c/kkbZ i= fyf[k, A 10
v fuEufyf[kr
esa ls fdlh ,d ij fuca/k fyf[k, A 10
1 iqLrdky; 2 fo|kFkhZ thou vkSj vuq’kklu
examination 2014
hrs. Class
VIII Subject: -
Max. Marks:-70
General instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory.
are indicated against each question
1. Read
the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:- 8
are called the green gold of a country because they are a country’s
wealth. There are numerous advantages of having green forests. They give us rain;
they prevent floods and give us a number of valuable products. We get timber
for building our houses, wood for furniture, and fuel for cooking food. Besides
these, we get many other useful products from them. They are honey, wax, gum,
oil, herbs, lac and dyes. Think of the paper mills. Can they produce paper
without getting wood from the forests? The industry of the artificial silk depends
on forests. Forests add to the beauty of a country and provide shelter to wild
animals. During wars, they give cover to armies.
maintain fertility of soil. They are helpful in reducing level of pollution. They
are necessary to maintain balance in nature. They are vital for good climate.
They reduce intensity and frequency of natural disasters like draught, flood,
storms etc.
1. Forests
are called the green gold. Why?
2. Name
any five products that we get from the forests.
3. What
important works do trees during wars?
4. How are forests useful for wild animals?
5. What
do forests prevent?
6. Can
we produce paper without getting wood from the forests?
7. Write
words from the passage which means:
Give (ii) provide
8. Which are the
natural disasters mentioned in the passage?
You are Amit living in Lucknow. Your brother is in jaipur. He is not studying
well. Write him a letter telling him to work hard. You may touch upon the
following points: 5
(a) Studies
are important.
(b) Study
regularly, get up early in the morning.
(c) Less
time to games, prepare notes.
Imagine that you are Nandu studying in Dayanand
Secondary School, Ajmer. Your father is a clerk in SBBJ,Ajmer. He has been
transferred to Suratgarh. You need your T.C. because you want to study there.
Write an application for the purpose.
1. Develop
a story in about 50 to 70 words with the help of the hints given below: 5
fox………..hungry……….searches food……….sees a vine of grapes………bunches of ripe
grapes…….goes there………hanging high……….jumps again and again ……….not reaches the
grapes……..all in vain……….tired………….runs away saying, “The grapes are sour. They
are not worth eating.”
capseller………..travels………place to place…….a bag of caps………a hot
afternoon…….sleeps ……..a tree……….many monkeys…….climb down……….take away
caps………awakes……….bag empty……..worried……….thinks………..throws away his own cap…..monkeys
do the same……collects……..goes away.
2. Write
the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets in the space provided: 4
His father…………the
principal yesterday. (meet)
The train had left the
platform before I ..............the station.
He often…………late. (come)
Hari ………………… his homework
so far. (complete)
3. Fill
in the blanks with suitable determiner given in brackets. 4
He is………honest man of our
city. (a/an/the)
The Himalayas lie
in………..north of our country. (a/the)
There are………..trees
behind our school. (some/any)
He has ………..friends so he often feels
lonely. (few/ a few/the few)
4. Fill
in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in brackets. 4
She is
fond………sweets. (in/of/at)
The axe
fell…………..river. (into/in/under)
Sita is
expert………cooking. (in/at/on)
She wrote a
letter……….me. (on/to/with)
5. Rewrite
the following sentences into passive voice: 2
Ram wrote a letter
India has won the
6. Convert
the following sentences into indirect speech:
Ram said to Rakesh,
“what are you doing?”
Hari said to Rajiv, “Open
the door.”
7. Complete
each sentences using the right form of the adjective given in brackets. 2.
My friend has one of
the ……….cars on the road. (fast)
This is the………..story I
have ever read. (interesting)
8. Read
the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below: 8
One afternoon, when the
sun was going down, a mother and her little boy sat at the door of their
cottage, talking about the Great Stone Face. They had to lift their eyes and
there it was, plain to be seen, though miles away, with the sunshine
brightening all its features.
And what was the great
stone face?
The Great Stone Face was a work of nature, formed on
the perpendicular side by a mountain by some immense rocks, which had been
thrown together so that , when viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the
features of a human face. If the spectator approached too near, he lost the
outline of the enormous face and could see only a heap of gigantic rocks, piled
one upon another. But seen from a distance, the clouds clustering about it, the
Great Stone Face seemed positively alive. It was the belief of many people that
the valley owed much of its fertility to the benign face that was continually
beaming over it.
Where the little boy was
What were they talking?
What was the great
stone face?
How it was formed?
What happened when the
viewer goes near to it?
What was the belief of
people of valley?
Find the word from passage which means:
Gathering (ii) huge
Write the opposite word
of the following:
Near (ii) positively
9. Answer
any seven questions of the following? 3*7=21
What is the scientist’s
message for the disabled? (A Visit to Cambridge)
What are the two ways
in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up? (A
Short Monsoon diary)
What was the story
attributed to the stone face? (The
Great stone face)
What made the poet
proclaim Ernest was the stone face? (The
Great stone face)
How did the Jody bring
the fawn back home? (Jody’s fawn)?
What was it about Mount
Everest that the author found irresistible?
Why did Bepin Babu
worry about what Parimal Ghose had said?
How did the East India
Company subdue the Indian princes?
10. Write
the first stanza of the poem ‘The School Boy’ or ‘When I Set out for Lyonnesse.’ 5
Hkk’kk & laLd`re~
le; 2 gksjk d{kk - 8
vf/kdrekadk% 70
losZ iz”uk% vfuok;kZ%A ¼2½ losZ’kka iz”ukukeqRrjk.;qRrjiqfLrdk;keso ys[kuh;kfuA
¼3½ ,dL; iz”uL; losZ Hkkxk% ,d=
,o ys[kuh;kA ¼4½ losZ iz”uk% laLd`r Hkk’k;So mRrj.kh;k%A
v/kksfyf[krkuka iz”ukuke~
mÙkjkf.k fy[kr& 2x12=24
iwoZa izk;% dsu inkFksZu
fufeZrkfu oLrwfu izkI;Urs Le\
dhn`”khuka dqjhrhuka
lkfo=h fojks/ke~ vdjksr~\
m|kua dS% fuuknS% jE;e~\
vLekda ns”ks dfr
dsUnz”kkflrizns”kk% lfUr\
dwi% dhn`”k% vfLr\
izsey% dnk x`ge~ vkxPNr~ \
p¥~py% O;k?kaz dq=
Lodh;a lk/kua fda Hkofr\
ifjozktdL; f”k’; d%
[kju[kj% dq= izfrolfr Le\
vk;ZHkVsu d% xzUFk% jfpr%\
fgeky;% xqgklq da j{kfr\
2- v/kksfyf[krinkuka foijhrkFkZdinkfu fy[kr& 3
mn;% ]
leknj% ] ijdh;e~
] mifj ]
Hkhfr% ] xeue~ A
3- eUtq’kkr% vO;;inkfu fpRok fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r& 5
xzkea -----------------------------------------
o`{kk% lfUrA
HkxoUra HktA
------------------------------------ thoua o`FkkA
;fn lQyrke~ bPNfl
------------------------ vkyL;a R;tA
“k`xky% xqgk;k% -----------------------------------
v/kksjs[kakfdrsH;% insH;%
iz”ufuekZ.ka dq#r & 5
mÙkjL;ka fnf”k orZrsA

ekun.M% fgeky;% vfLrA

dkfynklsu fojfpre~A

ikBs dfo% fgeky;L; o.kZua djksfrA

rs’kka Lokfeu%
vleFkkZ% lfUrA

LoikB~;iqLrdkr~ }kS
“yksdkS fy[krA 3
*lnSo iqjrks fu/ksfg
pj.ke~* vFkok * tyokfguh * ikBkr~ ¼8&10½iaDR;k% fy[krA 4
lfU/ka dq#r& 4
eqfu$bZ”oj% ]
nso$bZ”k% ] ,d$,de~ ]
v/kksfyf[krs’kq ins’kq
milxZa fpRok i`Fkd~ dq#r & 4
izgkj% ] ijkt;%
] vorkj; ] migkj%A
*vLen~* “kCnL; :ikf.k
fy[krA 6
*gl~* /kkrqy³+~ydkjL;
:ikf.k fy[krA 4
yV~ydkjkr~ yM+~ydkjs
ifjorZua dq#r& 4
lk f”kf{kr vfLrA
o;a izfrfnua ikBa iBke%A
ckydk% fo|ky;kr~ x`ga xPNfUrA
;w;a fda fo|ky;a xPNFk\
la[;kokpd”kCnk% fy[krA 4
55 ---------------------------------------- 85 ----------------------------------------
62 ---------------------------------------- 77 ----------------------------------------
90 ---------------------------------------- 50 ----------------------------------------
100 ---------------------------------------- 95 ----------------------------------------
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