Thursday, 3 July 2014

Class 6, Final Exam 2014, Question Papers, Science, Maths, Social Studies

    Time:-2.00 hrs        Class-VI                        Subject-Science                                M.M. 70
       Fill in the blanks:                                                                                             15
1.      The method of separating seeds of paddy from its stalks is called-----------
2.      Salt is obtained from seawater by the process of------------
3.      The broad green part of the leave is called------------
4.      A combination of bones and cartilages forms the ---------of the body.
5.      The bones at the elbow are joined by a ------------joint.
6.      The habitat of plants and animals that live on land are called----------------
7.      In circular motion an object moves such that its distance from a fixed point remains the------------
8.      An electric cell has-----------------terminals.
9.      The materials which are attracted towards a magnet are called---------------
10.  The layer of air around the earth is known as----------------
Indicate true (T) and false (F) among the following sentences:-                  10
11.   Stone is transparent, while glass is opaque
12.  Oil mixes with water.
13.  A mixture of milk and water can be separated by filtration.
14.  The cartilages are harder than bones.
15.  Electric current can flow through metals.
16.  A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.
17.  Similar pole of a magnet repel each other.
18.  Water vapour is present in air only during the monsoon.
19.  One meter is equal to 100 cm.
20.  Roots conduct water to the leaves.
Short answer type questions:-                                                               2*10=20
21.  Define translucent material.
22.  What is winnowing? Where it is used?
23.  Define melting.
24.  What is the function of a stem in a plant?
25.  Which of the skull bones are movable?
26.  How are cactus adapted to survive in desert?
27.  Give two examples of periodic motion.
28.  What is the purpose of using an electric switch?
29.  Write any two properties of a magnet.
30.  What is evaporation?
Long answer type question:-                                      
31.  How would you obtain clear water from a sample of muddy water?    3 
32.  Draw (a) a leaf, (b) a taproot (c) a flower and (d) herbs.                       4                                  
33.  List the common characteristics of the living things.                            3
34.  Define rectilinear motion. What is the unit of length in SI system?      3
35.  How is a compass used to find directions?                                            3
36.  How are clouds formed?                                                                 3
37.  What is the composition of air?                                                      3
38.    What is (a) reproduction and (b) excretion?                                 3                                            

                                                                        Final Examination 2014
Class -6                                                                   Subject-Mathematics
Time:  2hrs                                                                            PART ‘A’                                                                                              MM-70
1.      Give expression: 11 added to 2m                                                                         2 x 10 = 20
2.      Find the ratio of 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
3.      How we can find perimeter of regular hexagon?
4.      Write the successor of 208090
5.      Find the common factors of 20 and 28
6.      Say true or false that the centre of the circle always in it’s interior.
7.      Write two consecutive  of  -1
8.      Which is greater :  5   or    5
                              12        15
9.      Add 15 + 0.632 + 13.8
10.  Find the area of square of side 4cm.
                                                      PART ‘B’                                         3 x 6= 18
11.   Solve:                                
a)       (50) – (- 40) – ( -2)
b)        +
c)       12.5 x 0.3
d)       (–7) – 8 – (–25)
12.  Write all the integers between –25 and  – 30
13.  Find the  missing number ;  35 = 7

                        PART ‘C’                                                                   4 x 5= 20
14.  Find the perimeter of rectangle of length = 15cm and breadth=7cm.
15.   With the help of compass and ruler construct an angle of 1500
16.  Shubham pays Rs. 7500 as a rent for three months. How much does he has to pay
 for a year , if the rent per month remain same?
17.  Draw a circle and mark
a)      It’s centre    b)  a radius      c) a sector 
18.  Find the smallest 4 digit number which is divisible by 18, 24 and 32

                                         PART ‘D’                                                              6x 2= 12
19.  Draw any line segment PQ. Take any point R not on it. Through R, draw a perpendicular to PQ.
20.  Total number of animals in five villages are as follows:
Village A=80; village B=120, village C=90; village D=40; village E=60
Prepare a pictograph of these animals using one symbol to represent 10 animals.

                                                                  Yearly Examination -2014                       
Class –VI                                                      Subject – Social Studies                                               MM- 70

Fill in the blanks-                                                                                                                                1x13=13
1.      In Hunsgi, tools were made of _____________.
2.      ____________ was a word used for large landowners
3.      Royal princes often went to the provinces as ____________.
4.      Port holes were used as _____________.
5.      _____________ was a great astronomer.
6.      The Greater Himalayas are also Known as ______________.
7.      The Earth travels around the sun in ______________ orbit.
8.      Measuring land and keeping land records is the main work of the ____________.
9.      The ____________ is a President of Panchayat.
10.  ______________ happens when people act on their prejudices or stereotypes.
11.  In _______________ people built pit houses.
12.  _______________ areas are rich in mineral deposits.
13.  The daily motion of the earth is ________________.

Tick the correct answer-                                                                                                                      1x4=4
1.      The world’s highest rainfall occurs in
(a)     Mumbai                    (b)    Asansol                        (c)     Mawasynram
2.      The oldest mountain range in India is the
(a)     Aravali hills              (b)    western ghats               (c)    Himalayas
3.      The mountains differ from the hills in terms of
(a)     elevation                   (b)   slope                              (c)    aspect
4.      The mountain range that separates Europe from Asia is
(a)     the Andes                  (b)    the Himalayas              (c)       the Urals                                                               
Match the columns-                                                                                                                            1x4=4
1.      Shikhara                                                           Sacrifice
2.      Yajna                                                                The first cities
3.      Ashvaghosha                                                     Tower
4.      Indus and its tributaries                                    Buddhaacharita
Answer the following questions-                                                           
1.      What is natural vegetation?                                                                                                                  2         
2.      Name the major continent of the earth.                                                                                               2
3.      What are Jatakas?                                                                                                                                 2         
4.      Why did the kings want to control the Silk Route?                                                                            2
5.      What are prejudices?                                                                                                                              2
6.      List two things that the work of a Patwari includes.                                                                             2
7.      What was the suffrage movement?                                                                                                        2
8.      What is the work of the police?                                                                                                             3
9.      List three ways in which the work of the Municipal Corporation affects the life of city.                    3
10.  How are mountains useful to man?                                                                                                        3
11.  Describe the functions of the gramabhojaka. Why do you think he was powerful?                             3
12.  Why did the rajas of mahajanapadas build forts?                                                                                  3
13.  What changes do you find in the army at this time?                                                                             4
14.  What were the means adopted by Ashoka to spread the message of  dhamma?                                  4
15.  What do you think the government can do to help farmers like Sekar when they get debt? Discuss.  4                                                                                                                             
16.  In what ways is a permanent and regular job different from a casual job? Discuss.                             4
17.  What is the difference between evergreen forest and deciduous forests?                                            4


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