Saturday, 5 July 2014

Class 4, Final Exam 2014, Question Papers, Science, Maths, Social Studies

                                                                         Annual Examination, 2014
Time: 1:30 hrs                                                       Class   IV                                                                                                                            MM-30

Q1which is the correct option                                                                 (3)
i)                     Talcum powder is            
(a)     Soluble in water      (b) insoluble in water
ii)                   Why does moving object stop?
(a)     Because of friction  (b) Because of work done (c)      Because the task is made easy
iii)                  To complete one revolution, the earth takes
(a)     1 day   (b) 1 month  (c) 12months
Q2. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’                                                                       (2)                                                                                               
i)                     Soil provides nutrients to plants
ii)                   The sun and rain help in the formation of soil.
Q3. Fill in the blanks                                                                               (3)
i)                     The days are longer than the nights in ………….
ii)                   The ……. is a layer below the crust.
iii)                  Plants use ………. Energy to make food.
Q4. Answer the following questions in one word:                                  (3)
i)                     A place where the force of flowing water is used to produce electricity.
ii)                   Which planet is closest to the sun?
iii)                  The upper mantle region is made up of very hot molten rock called.
Q5.  Answer the following questions                                                     (10)
i)                     Why are days in summer warm and sunny?
ii)                   What is evaporation?
iii)                  Describe the structure of the earth.
iv)                 What  forms the solar system?
v)                   Define energy
Q6. Give reason                                                                                         (9)
i)                     A puddle of water disappears after sometime.
ii)                   The earth is called blue planet.
iii)                  Loamy soil is good for plant  growth. 

Annual Examination, 2014
Time: 1:30 hrs                                                       Class IV                                                                                                                             MM-60

Q1. Convert into minutes:                                                                                    8
a)       12hours 10 minutes
b)       180 seconds
Q2. Add. 16 hours 45 minutes and 4 hours 45 minutes                                         4
Q3. Subtract 29 years 4 months from 45years                                                       4
Q4. Change into 24 hours clock times. 10: 25p.m.                                                4
Q5. Convert into paisa: Rs1. 70                                                                             4
Q6. Find profit or loss                                                                                            8
             C.P. = Rs. 7354       S.P. =Rs.7980
             C.P. = Rs. 956          S.P. = Rs.897
Q7. Convert into decimal 449
                                          100                                                                                2
Q8. Compare by using > or <                                                                                 2
i)                     0.80-------0.08
ii)                   21.145----------21.154
Q9. Add Rs. 459.45; Rs. 246.55; Rs. 97.65                                                             4
Q10. Draw line segment AB = 6.2cm                                                                      4
Q11. Draw the angles using protractor. Also name the type of angle each is          8
a)       1000
b)       450
Q12 Find the perimeter of square whose side is 25m                                                4
Q13. Find the perimeter of rectangle whose                                                              4
        Length = 15cm      Breadth = 12cm
                                                          Yearly Examination -2014                        
Class –IV                                            Subject – Social Studies                                          MM- 30

Fill in the blanks-                                                                                                                   1x4=4
1.      The most important occupation of the people of India is______________.
2.      India is the second largest producer of ___________ after Brazil.
3.      ___________ trains are slow and stop at all small towns.
4.      The ____________ is responsible for the functioning of the Lok Sabha.
Name these-                                                                                                                           1x4=4
1.      These forests grow in salty water: _________________
2.      This national park is home to the Royal Bengal Tiger: _____________
3.      The place where Mother Teresa was born:________________
4.      A plane for new law: ________________                                                        
Give two examples of-                                                                                                          1x2=2
1.      Trees of deciduous forest: _______________                  __________________
2.      States where copper is found:_____________                  __________________
Match the columns-                                                                                                              1x5=5
1.      Punjab                                                                  Kandla
2.      Petroleum                                                             sends the image of a page
3.      Port                                                                      granary of India
4.      Fax                                                                        rock oil
5.      Iron man of India                                                  Printing Press
Answer the following questions-     (do any six)                                                           2.5x6=15
1.      Rice is the most important food crop in India.
2.      Write a paragraph on “Small-scale industries”.
3.      How do you decide which mode of transport you should use?
4.      Why were the weavers and handicraftsmen unhappy?
5.      Why is the postal system very important in India?
6.      Who appointed Sir M. Visvesvaraya, the Diwan and what did he do for Mysore state?
7.      Why do we need two kinds of government?

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