Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Class 7, Question Papers, 2013-14, Hindi, English, Social Studies

Okkf’kZd ijh{kk & 2014
fo’k; % fgUnh
d{kk & VII
le;%& 1%30 ?k.Vs                                                             iw.kkZd%& 70

1-     izk;% [ksy esa gkj & thr dh mRrstuk gkoh gks tkrh gSA bl mRrstuk dks fu;af=r djds ln~Hkkouk ds lkFk gkj rFkk thr nksuks dks g’kZ ds lkFk Lohdkj djuk gh [ksay & Hkkouk gSA& dgk Hkh tkrk gS& gkj ;k vlQyrk dk vFkZ gS fd thr ds fy, fd, x, iz;klksa esa dksbZ deh jg xbZ gSA [ksy esa gkjusa ij vki }kjk fd;s x, iz;klksa esa jg x;h dfe;ksa dk irk yxk,¡ rFkk mu dfe;ksa dks nwj djds vxyh ckj lQyrk izkIr djus dk iz;kl djsaA viuh dfe;ksa dks nwljksa ij dHkh Hkh u FkksisaA [ksy esa vuq”kklu ] fu;e& ikyu ] ijLij lg;ksx ]U;k;ksfpr <+ax ls izn”kZu djuk vkfn [ksy Hkkouk ds gh vax gSA                                                                                10
1-     mDr vorj.k dks i<+dj bldk mfpr “kh’kZd nhft,A
2-     gkjus dk D;k vFkZ gS \
3-     gkjus ij D;k iz;kl fd;s tkus pkfg;s \
4-     [ksy Hkkouk ds vxa dkSu & dkSuls gS \
5-     vorj.k dk lkjka”k fyf[k, \
v  fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft,&
1-     *ekLVj th dh vkokt vc de Å¡ph FkhAos jsyxkM+h ds ckjs esa crk jgs FksA* ekLVj th dh vkokt /kheh D;ksa gks xbZ gksxh \        2
2-     ?keaMh dh vk¡[k ls frudk fusdkyus ds fy, mlds vkl ikl yksaxks us D;k fd;k \                                           2
3-     [kkuiku ds ekeys esa LFkkuh;rk dk D;k vFkZ gS\                                                                         2
4-     uhydaB us [kjxks”k ds cPps dks lk¡i ls fdl izdkj cpk;k \ bl ?kVuk ds vk/kkj ij uhydaB ds LoHkko dh fo”ks’krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A                                                                                                             2
5-     uhps nh xbZ iafDr;ksa dk vk”k; vius “kCnksa esa fyf[k, &                                                                   2             
**ek[ku & jksVh gkFk e¡g yhuh ] xmou ds j[kokjs A
ehjk ds izHkq fxj/kj ukxj ] lj.k vk;k¡ dks rkjSAA**
6-   vkerkSj ij esys euksjatu ] [kjhn Qjks[r ,ao esytksy ds fy, gksrs gSaA ohj dqoaj flag us esys dk mi;ksx fdl :i esa fd;k \       2
7-   *esjh ek¡ us eq>s viuh izflf) dks fouezrk ls l¡Hkkyus dh lh[k nh gS&/kujkt fiYyS dh bl ckr dk D;k vFkZ gS \                  2
8-   xka/khth us vf[ky Hkkjrh; dkaxzsl lfgr dbZ laLFkkvksa o vkUnksyuksa dk usr`Ro fd;k A mudh thouh ;k fy[kh xbZ fdrkcksa ls mu va”kks dks pqfu;s ftuls fglkc & fdrkc ds izfr xk¡/khth dh pqLrh dk irk pyrk gSA                                                   2
9-   viuh ikB~; & iqLrd ls ,d dfork o mlds ys[kd dk uke fy[kks&                                4
v  fuEufyf[kr eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fyf[k,  &                                                               4
(i) vkdk”k & ikrky ,d djuk
(ii)                vk¡[kksa ls fxj tkuk
(iii)             dybZ [kqyuk
(iv)              pk¡n ij Fkwduk
v  foykse “kCn & o ifjHkk’kk Hkh fy[kks &
1-   xjy            2- d`rK   3-  cyoku        4- fujknj
v  i;kZ;okph “kCn fy[kksa &                                               6
1-   ?kksM+k   2-  lw;Z        3-  lksuk         4-  lkxj             5 fctyh       6- jkr
v  fuEu “kCnksa ds laf/k& foPNsn dhft, &         6
1-   uhykHk  2-   uovkxUrqd       3-        fgeky;      4-    flagklu          5-  es?kkPNUu     6- lw;ksZn;
v  iqLrdky; vFkok gekjk  fo|ky; ij fucU/k fy[kks &                10
v  tUefnu ij c/kkbZ nsrs gq, vius fe= iquhr dks i= fyf[k, A                                 10


                                                                Annual Examination -2014                        
Class –VII                                                  Subject - English                                         MM- 70
Q1. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the question:                                              (5)
Three things are needed to make a fire- fuel, oxygen and heat. Wood, coal, cooking gas and petrol are some examples of fuel. Oxygen comes from the air. That is why, when you blow on smouldering paper, it often bursts into flame. The third thing needed to make fire is heat. Fuel and oxygen do not make fire themselves, or else a newspaper or a stick lying in the open would catch fire on its own. To burn a piece of paper or wood, we heat it before it catches fire.
i)                    Name the chapter from the above paragraph driven?
ii)                  What three things required to lit a fire?
iii)                Why petrol alone cannot make a fire?
iv)                What do you understand by ‘ smouldering’?
v)                  Make a sentence using ‘burst’ other than given in above para?
Q2. Read this poem and answer the questions.                                                                  (5)
 I saw a snake and ran away….
Some snakes are dangerous, they say;
But mother says that kind is good,
And eats up insects for his food.
So when he wiggles in the grass
I’ll stand aside and watch him pass
i)                    Name the poem of above stanza.
ii)                  Are all snakes are poisonous?
iii)                Wiggles mean?
iv)                Make a sentence with word ‘aside’.
v)                  What do snakes eat?
Q3.  Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions                                           (5)
All of us belong to communities. Our community consists of the space and people around us. We live in apartment buildings or in a neighbourhood, shop at the local grocery store, buy vegetables from a greengrocer nearby, get our bicycle tyres pumped or punctures repaired at a local workshop. We also interact with our house helpers, the ironing-man, the newspaper man, the milkman and so many others in our daily lives. Each and every one of them works hard for a living and is connected to us and to each other in some way or other 
Answer these questions on basis of above paragraph.
i)                    Give appropriate title to the paragraph.
ii)                  Where do we live?
iii)                Who are the people who help us?
iv)                Why do we need help of other people?
v)                  What do you understand by interact?
Q4. Use should/ must/ ought to appropriately in the following sentences                             (5)
i)                    You …….. do what the teacher tells you.
ii)                  He left home at 9 o’ clock. He …………. Be here any minute.
iii)                You ……….. be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
iv)                 The pupils were told that they ……… write more neatly.
v)                  You …… wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during rains.
Q5.fill in the blanks using the word helper, companion, partner                                          (3)
i)                    The thief’s……….
ii)                  My …….. on the journey
iii)                Find a good……….
Q6.  Use   look after, look down on, look in, look into, look out, look up, look up to         (5)
i)                    We have no right to …….. people who do small jobs.
ii)                  Nitin has always….. his uncle, who is a self-made man.
iii)                I promise to …… on your brother when I visit lucknow next.
iv)                The police are …………. Matter thoroughly.
v)                  ………. When you are crossing the main road.
Q7.  Answer the following questions                                                    (4 x 7= 28)
i)                    What do you understand by the game cricket equipment?
ii)                  A snake has no legs or no feet, but it moves very fast. Can you guess how?
iii)                From the chapter ‘ a bicycle in good repair’ in what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?
iv)                What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?
v)                  Describe the cat and dad situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem.
vi)                What happens to the volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention? What is the name of the invention?
vii)              How does an electrical fan manage to throw so much air when it is switched on?
Q8. Change sentences as directed.                                                                            (10)
i)                    He wanted to see Red fort. (simple present)
ii)                  I walk to the office. (past perfect)
iii)                The boy throws the ball. (simple past)
iv)                My father have drunk four cups of tea today.(negative)
v)                  The children lost in fairs and at other public place.(interrogative)
Q9. Use the given verbs make a sentence as directed                                                                       (4)
i)  Sleep ( present perfect continuous.)                                ii) Break (past perfect)         

                                         Okkf’kZd ijh{kk 2014
fo’k; & laLd`re~
le; % 2 gksjk%                        d{kk & 7th                         iw.kkZadk% & 70
1-     v/kksfyf[krokD;kfu d% da izfr dFk;fr&                                                   5
                                             d%                  da izfr
(i)                vge~ mŸkja u nkL;kfeA           ----------------------------------             ------------------------
(ii)              “kjhjek|a [kyq /keZlk/kue~A        ----------------------------------             ------------------------
(iii)            vga ro dzhrnklks∙fLeA           ---------------------------------             ------------------------
(iv)            euLoh dnkih /kS;Za u ifjR;tfrA   ---------------------------------             ------------------------
(v)              izkr% ;n~ mfpra rRdŸkZO;e~A       ---------------------------------             ------------------------
2-     iz”ukuka mŸkjkf.k fy[kr&                                                         12x2=24
¼d½ oVq:is.k riksoua d% izkfo”kr~\
¼[k½ fda cwz;kr~\
¼x½ jekckbZ dqr% laLd`rf”k{kka izkIrorh\
¼?k½ fda d`Rok ?k`ra fiosr~\
¼M+½ yEcekua dweZa n`’V~ok ds v/kkou~\
¼p½ i`fFkoh dsu /kk;Zrs\
¼N½ ikoZrh fda dŸkqZe~ ,sPNr~\
¼t½ v”kksdLrEHk% dq= vfLr\
¼>½ es?kukn% ef{kdka fde~ vonr~\
¼¥½ xq:.kka xq#% dk vfLr\
¼V½ laLd`ra fda f”k{k;fr\
¼B½ eU=h fdeFkZe~ vkxPNfr\
3-     i;kZ; &inkfu ;kst;r&                                                                 5
  xxus                         tyn%
  foeys                        fu”kkdj%
  pUnz%                         vkdk”ks
  lw;Z%                         fueZys
 vEcqn%                         fnokdj%
4-     foykse inkfu esy;r&                                                                   5
  eUne~                 uwrue~
  uhpS%                  fLuX/ke~
  dBksj%                 i;kZIre~
  iqjkrue~               mPpS%
  vi;kZIre~              f{kize~
5-     LoikB~;iqLrdkr~ }kS “yksdkS fy[krA                                                       4
6-     *ykyuxhre~* vFkok * foeku;kua jp;ke* ikBkr~ 8 & 10 iaDR;k% fy[krA                        5

7-     js[kkfdarinkfu vf/kd`R; iz”ufuekZ.ka dq#r&                                                 4
(i)                fo|k jktlq iwT;rsA
(ii)              “k=w.kka le{ka fot;% lqfuf”pr% Hkosr~A
(iii)            e`R;q% u izfr{krsA
(iv)            jek;k% firk lektL; izrkj.kke~ vlgr~A
8-     L=hfyxa& Nk=k& “kCnL; :ikf.k fy[krA                                                  6
9-     iB~& /kkrq yV~ydkjL; :ikf.k fy[krA                                                    4
10-   v/kksfyf[krkadkuka Lfkkus la[;kokpd”kCnk% fy[kr&                                            3
  20 ------------------------   18 --------------------------   40---------------------------
  25 -------------------------  32 ---------------------------   45 -------------------------
11-   v/kksfyf[krkfu inkfu vk/k`R; okD;kfu jp;r&                                              5
(i)                iz”uk%
(ii)              uohu%
(iii)            izkr%
(iv)            vkxPNfr
(v)              izlUu%


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