Thursday, 3 July 2014

Class 6, Yearly Exam 2014, Question Papers, Hindi, Sanskrit, English

Okkf’kZd ijh{kk & 2014
fo’k; % fgUnh
d{kk & VI
le;%& 1%30 ?k.Vs                                                             iw.kkZd%& 30
(I)                            LkULkkj esa os yksx cMs vHkkxs gksrs gs tks vius ns”k dks I;kj ugh djrs A Lons”k -izse ls “kwU; euq’; thrk gqvk Hkh ejs ds leku gsA
   Okg i`FOkh dk Hkkj gsA ,sls O;fDr;ksa ls i`Foh dyafdr gksrh gsA ftl ikuh esa eNyh mRIkUu gksrh gSA ejrs ne rd mldk lkFk ugh NksMrhA og ikuh ls vyx gksus ij vius izk.k R;kx nsrh gsA Rkks D;k og euq’; ftls vius ns”k] viuh Hkk’kk  ]laLd`fr ls I;kj ugh gs]zD;k og lk/kkj.k tkuoj ls Hkh x;k chrk ugha gs \ ftl ns”k esa geus tUe fy;k gs mlds izfr HkDfr gksuk ]mldh lsok djuk gekjk izFke drZO; gS A                                                                             10

mDr x|ka’k dks i<dj iz”uksa ds mrj nhft, &
(I)                             mi;ZqDr x|ka”k dk mfpr “kh’kZd fyf[k, \
(II)                          dSlk O;fDr lk/kkj.k tkuoj ls Hkh x;k chrk gS \
(III)                       lalkj esa dsls yksx vHkkxs gksrs gS \
(IV)                       ns”k ds izfr gekjk izFke drZO; D;k gS \
(V)                          dSls O;fDr;ksa ls i`Foh dyafdr gksrh gS \
(II)    fuEufyf[kr iz”uks ds mrj nhft,&22
1-      ukxjktu ds vyce ds fgV gks tkus ds ckn jktIik ds eu dh D;k n”kk gqbZ \          2
2-      >kalh dh jkuh” dfork esa Hkkjr dks ‘cw<k” dgdj vkSj mlesa ubZ tokuh vkus dh ckr dgdj lqHknzk dqekjh pkSgku D;k crkuk pkgrh gS\
3-      ‘dqN [kkl rks ugh” gsysu dh fe= us ;g tokc fdl eksds ij fn;k vkSj ;g lqudj gsysu dks vk’p;Z D;ksa ugh gqvk \  2
4-      xksy pedhyk jksMk viuh D;k dgkuh dgrk gS \   2
5-      vk”k; Li’V dhft,&                          2
 gkFk idM fQj lnk gekjs
        lkFk ugh fQjrh fnu jkr!                                
6-      fucU/k esa yksdxhrksa ds fdu i{kksa dh ppkZ dh xbZ gS \ 2
7-      vkJe esa dkyst ds Nk= ls xk¡èkh th us dkSulk dk;Z djok;k vkSj D;ksa\                                                                          2    
8-      uxj ls ckgj fudydj nks ix pyus ds ckn lhrk dh D;k n’kk gqbZ rFkk jke us Fkdh gqbZ lhrk dh D;k lgk;rk dh \           2
9-      ck¡l dks cw<k dc dgk tkrk gS rFkk ck¡l ls cukbZ tkus okyh phtksa esa lcls T;knk vk’p;Ztud pht rqEgs dksulh yxh vkSj D;ksa \  2
10-    viuh ikB~; iqLrd esa ls ,d dfork o mlds ys[kd dk uke fyf[k,  A&4
(III)  fuEu ’kCnksa ds rhu &rhu i;kZ;okph fyf[k, &6
          1 ?kj                              2 x.ks’k
          3 vkdk’k                           4 vk¡[k
5      lw;Z                            6 rkykc      

    (IV)  foykse ’kCn fy[kks &6
          1 Lkk{kj                            2 èkeZ                       3 fuf’pr
          4 Lora=                            5 fucZy                     6 lEHko  
     (V)  fuEufyf[kr eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fyf[k, &6
          1 dej dluk                      2 dlkSVh ij dluk
          3 vk¡[kksa dk rkjk gksuk                4 vadq’k j[kuk
          5 vkokt mBkuk                     6 vkx esa Äh Mkyuk
     (VI)  vius ç/kkuk/;kid egksn; dks chekjh ds dkj.k nks fnu ds vodk’k gsrq çkFkZuk i= fy[kksA 10
     (VII)  ijh{kk esa çFke LFkku vkkus ij vius fe= vtqZu dks i= fy[kks A 10
     (VIII) **iqLrdky;** ij fuca/k fy[kks A & 10


                                                          Yearly Examination -2014                        
Class –VI                                                    Subject - English                                         MM- 70
A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                          1x6=6
1.      Some people find household _____________a bore, but I like to help at home.
2.      He decided to work______________ than before.
3.      When I enjoy looking at maps I use my ___________ intelligence.
4.      Next morning, Taro jumped out of the bed___________ than usual.
5.      _______________ was held at the time of the Eid festival.                             
6.       All animals in forests and deserts struggle to survive in______________.
B. Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word:-                1x4=4
1.      A_______________ of chicks                                                                                                                                                           
2.      A_______________ of wolves
3.      A_______________ of cattle
4.      A_______________ of fish                                                      
C. Write the opposites of the following words:-                                                 1x4=4
1.      Wild                       2.    Suddenly          3.    Qualified               4.    Ancestor
D. Define noun. Write types of noun.                                                                         4
E.  Write the meaning of the following words:-                                                1x6=6
      1.  spectators                         2.  forage                           3.  mum
      4.  gradually                          5.  muttering                     6.  cliff
F.  Write the description of the following jobs:-                                              1x4=4
      1.  Journalist             2.  Navigator     3.   Architect               4.  Counsellor
G.  Fill in the blanks with words that describe movement.                             1x2=2
      1. I saw a cobra ______________ out of a clump of cactus.
      2. The birds ______________ at the snake.
H.  Complete the following sentences.                                                              1x2=2
     1. The banyan tree served the boy as a ____________________________________
     2. Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because ___________

                                                                          Unseen Passage
I. Read the given passage carefully and write answer of the following questions:-      2x4=8
       About 2400 years ago Seleukos Nicator, a general of Alexander, the Great, tried to recapture the territories once held by his master but afterwards conquered by Chandragupta Maurya.
Chandragupta defeated him in 305B.C. the defeated Seleukos sent Megasthenes as his ambassador to the court of Chandragupta. Megasthenes lived at the Mauryan court at Pataliputra
and travelled around the country. His description of the shape and size of India is more or less
accurate. He observed our two largest rivers , the Ganga and the  Sindhu. These rivers were used
 for journeys. Only during the rainy seasons could they not be used because they were flooded.
Roads were also used and the best-known road ran from the north-west to Pataliputra. It had shady trees, signposts, rest houses and wells along it and may be called the forerunner of the
present Grand Trunk Road.
1.      Who was Seleukos?
2.      Who was Megasthenes?
3.      What did Megasthenes write about the Ganga and the Sindhu?
4.      Find from the passage the words which mean:
(a)    An area of land ruled by a government.
(b)   A man who officially acts for his country in another country.
                                                     Seen Passage
J. Read the given passage carefully and write answer of the following questions:        2x4=8
    Peter -      My favourite day is the second Sunday of every month. On this day his whole
family always goes to the cinema hall to see a film. My father gets the tickets in advance
and all of us-my grandmother, my parents, my two brothers and I- take the bus there. In the
interval my father buys us peanuts and I love to sit in the darkness of the hall eating and
watching the film. Afterwards we always stop to eat ice cream. Everyone is in a good mood
and we all feel very lucky that we are such a happy family.
1.      Where does Peter go every month?
2.      Who goes with him?
3.      How does he enjoy?
4.      Think and suggest the title for the paragraph.
K. Answer the following questions-   (any six)                                                        2x6=12
1.      Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?                                                                       
2.      Why did the dog feel the need for a master?                                                                                                                                             
3.      Who says this to whom and why?  “Victory to the Panchayat. This is justice.”                 
4.      What was the villagers’ reaction when the aunt explained her case to them?                     
5.      Why was Rasheed upset?                                                                                                      
6.      How do desert animals survive without water?                                                                    
7.      What happened to the crow in the end?                                                                                
L.  Imagine that you are Amit studing in Ajmer. Your parents live at Delhi. Write an
      Application to your principal requesting him to issue you a railway concession to
      Spend the summer vacation with your parents.                                                                  5
M.  Write an essay on ”Utility of forest”.    (app. 150 words)                                                  5

Okkf’kZd ijh{kk 2014
fo’k; & laLd`re~
le; % 2%00 gksjk%                        d{kk & 8th                                       iw.kkZadk% & 100
1-     dks’Bdkr~ mfpra “kCna fpRok fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r &                                      1x8=8
(i)           -------------------- iBkfeA ¼vge~@o;e~½
(ii)          ------------------xPNFk%A ¼;qoke~@;w;e~½
(iii)        ----------------------- iqLrde~A ¼eke~@ee½
(iv)        ---------------- Nk=s Lo%A ¼o;e~@ vkoke~½
(v)         /kfud% -------------------- /kua nnkfrA ¼fu/kZue~@fu/kZuk;½
(vi)        --------------------------------------- ue%A ¼f”k{kdk;@f”k{kde~½
(vii)      xaxk -------------------------- -izHkofrA¼fgeky;kr~@fgeky;L;½
(viii)     ------------------------------ ehuk% olfUrA ¼ljksojs@ljksojkr~½
2-      fuEufyf[krkuka iz”ukuke~ mRrjkf.k fy[kr &                                            2x10=20                                                             
(i)           /khojs.k fda izkIre~ \
(ii)          HkkjrL; nh?kZre% leqnzrV% d% \
(iii)        “k`xkyL; fe=a d% vklhr~\
(iv)        vLekfHk% fda oDrO;e~\
(v)         o`{kk% fda jp;fUr\
(vi)        Jes.k dk ljlk Hkofr\
(vii)      vLekda Hkkjrns”k% dhn`”k% vfLr\
(viii)     ifFkd% fde~ vonr~\
(ix)        vtht% dka O;Fkka Jko;fr\
(x)         fda Jkof;rqa f”k”kq% pUnza dFk;fr\
3-     LoikB~;iqLrdkr~ ,da “yksda fy[kr A                                                         5
4-     *ekrqypUnz!!* vFkok *o`{kk%* ikBkr~ ¼ 8&10 idaR;k%½ fy[krA                                       5                                                     
5-     ^ckyd* “kCnL; “kCn:ikf.k fy[krA                                                           5
6-     ^iB~* /kkrqy`V~ydkjL; /kkrq:ikf.k fy[kr A                                                      5
7-     e´~tq’kkr% mi;qDrkuke~ vO;;inkuka iz;ksxs.k fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r~&                                  5
     ¼ ;Fkk ] ,o ] mPpS% ]dq= ]dnk ½
1-     Roa ------------------------------------------ iqjha xfe’;fl\
2-     txUukFkiqjh ------------------------------ vfLr \
3-     es?kk% ------------------------------- xtZfUrA
4-     lR;e~ ------------------------------ t;rsA
5-     ---------------------- ns”k% rFkk os’k%A                                                                          

8-     foykseinkfu ;Fkk;ksX;a ;kst;r &                                                      5   
      ¼d½                   ¼[k½ 
    izkr%                  loZ=
    fnok                  LoIus
    tkxj.ks               lk;e~
    ,d=                 T;ksfr%
     re%                 jkf=%                                                  
9-     mi;qDrdFkukuka le{ke~ *vke* vuqi;qDr dFkukuka le{ka *u* bfr fy[kr&                          6

1-     d`’kdk% losZH;% vUua ;PNfUrA
2-     “khrs “kjhjs dEiua u HkofrA
3-     Opus nfjnzrk u dÙkZO;kA
4-     dkd% d`’.k% u HkofrA
5-     ,d% ckyd% u|ka eXu%A
6-     n”kckydk% Lukuk; vxPNu~A
10-   mfprinkfu ;kst;r&                                                                       6
dksfdys                     fodlfr
iou%                       u`R;fUr
iq’ie~                       mRirfr
[kx%                        ogfr
e;wjk%                       xtZfUr
flagk%                       dwtr%

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